The Columbus Comeback
I wanted to just put a link to this story but you can't read it without a subscription so I'll paraphrase the article and credit those responsible. From Time magazines Rana Foroohar, its a story titled The Columbus Comeback: Ohio's capital moved beyond partisanship to become a model for economic growth. When the recession hit, Columbus was faced with cutting $100 million from the budget, 15% of the total operating budget. Mayor Coleman used mandatory furloughs, he closed 12 rec centers, reduced our trash pickup (for a year we had to pay for our yard waste removal) but it wasn't enough. Per Coleman, "We were at a crossroad. If I cut more we were going to have to lay-off 1,100 public workers, including firefighters and police. I'd be compromising public safety and contributing to the unemployment. It was time to ask ourselves, what kind of city do we want to be?" Coleman went to the local business communi...