All in a Days Work (part II)
I know many will find this hard to believe but I spend a lot of time in church. Many different churches actually. From small churches out in the country, the kind that still have the tote board in the lobby that keeps track of attendance and donations, to big churches that take up a half a city block and in which I've actually gotten lost before. Most churches have security and/or fire systems in varying degrees of depth. Fire systems because jurisdictions require them in buildings where people gather and security due to the fact that some churches have sound and recording equipment that a lot of musicians would die for. This week I had a call to make at a Freewill Baptist that, as Freewill Baptist churches go, is pretty big. When I called the Pastor to let him know I was on the way he said he would meet me there to unlock the door and my reaction was, cool, he's going to let me in to do my thing and I'll have an empty building with no impediments ...