
Showing posts from October, 2015

Thoughts and Prayers.

    "Prayers for the victims, families, students, & faculty at Umpqua Community College, & the community of Roseburg, Oregon." John Boehner     "Praying for Umpqua Community College, the victims, and families impacted by this senseless tragedy." Jeb Bush     I could go on and on but you get the picture and the fact is this is all we're going to get. Thoughts and prayers, until the next mass murders when there will be more thoughts and prayers. I'm not really sure how prayers are going to help the victims in Oregon though, they're already dead. They gave their lives so others can exercise their rights and enjoy their freedoms. It's the path we've chosen for this country and one can scream to the top of their lungs for gun control and it's not going to change a thing. You see, that ship sailed a long time ago.     There are already more guns than people in the US so calls for gun control seem senseless when there are alread...