Thoughts and Prayers.

    "Prayers for the victims, families, students, & faculty at Umpqua Community College, & the community of Roseburg, Oregon." John Boehner
    "Praying for Umpqua Community College, the victims, and families impacted by this senseless tragedy." Jeb Bush
    I could go on and on but you get the picture and the fact is this is all we're going to get. Thoughts and prayers, until the next mass murders when there will be more thoughts and prayers. I'm not really sure how prayers are going to help the victims in Oregon though, they're already dead. They gave their lives so others can exercise their rights and enjoy their freedoms. It's the path we've chosen for this country and one can scream to the top of their lungs for gun control and it's not going to change a thing. You see, that ship sailed a long time ago.
    There are already more guns than people in the US so calls for gun control seem senseless when there are already enough guns to arm every man, woman and child. And those calling for more gun control are not even on the same page as the people their calls are meant for, their solution is to put more more guns in civilian hands. They think if we put enough guns in the "good guys" hands then the bad guys will stop doing bad things. They won't.
    I've also seen posts that we must do something to help these shooters who obviously have mental problems, but you can put a mental facility on every corner and that won't solve any problems. How do you decide who needs help? There's no scarlet letter to attach to them at birth and you can't institutionalize every "loner". People who do these kind of things don't see themselves as needing help, they think the issue is not with them but with the people they perceive have done them wrong. There are are already health departments in every county in this country and people are not walking in asking for help before they decide to go on a killing spree, because again, they don't see themselves as the problem, they see other people as the source of their problems. And it just so happens that there's a problem solver available at his local Walmart.
    “I keep waiting for someone to tell me what new gun law can we pass that would have prevented this shooting or Sandy Hook or Aurora or Charleston. Just tell me what gun law that is because I’ve yet to have somebody tell me what that is.” I've never agreed with anything Mike Huckabee has said and I probably never will again, but he has a point. What actions can be taken? Are we going to change the Constitution? No. Are we going to limit gun sales? No. The fact is gun laws passed in the past ten years are going the other direction. Eight states states have passed laws making themselves void of Federal guns laws and such laws have been introduced in 14 others. You can now conceal carry in all 50 states and  in one form or another you can openly carry in 40 states. So don't expect gun laws to make a u-turn anytime in the near future, even after tragedy,after tragedy, after tragedy.  
    I believe the founding fathers were right to allow citizens to be armed, as a fledgling country it was the only means available to protect the new nation. But I also believe the 2nd amendment has morphed into something they couldn't perceive to have happen. But it is what it is people and sadly these events are the new normal. As Jeb Bush said, "Stuff happens." There's a price to pay for the right to bear arms and while myself and many others believe that price is too high, just as many others don't think that any price is too high.  When 20 innocent school children are killed and nothing is done you can rest assured that nothing will change when college students, movie goers or even church goers are gunned down. Luckily "thoughts and prayers" are cheap, this country is going to need a lot them for a long, long time.


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