
Showing posts from November, 2012

A Deserving Pair

    I'm thankful to you, Christy, Jim, Alice, and Robson Walton, for showing the American people that even though your worth $106 billion (more money than 40% of the country combined) you can still be greedy bastards.     Look, I've never given a rats ass if people wanted to get trampled, peppered sprayed or spat on the day after Thanksgiving, I just looked at it as the price you pay for being an idiot. But why do you have to bring your freak show onto a day that shoulp be set aside for introspect. A day to give thanks that, if for nothing else, no matter what, we're all better off than many others.     How did this brilliant idea get started anyway? Did you get a little bored after dinner last year? Couldn't wait until midnight to see the little people morph into the worst that people can be?     But, when it comes right down to it, the Waltons, and the people...

Smoochin the Moocher

    Well it's only been a day and I've already been called a "moocher" by Rush Limbaugh, a member of the "wanting something for nothing club" by Glenn Beck and part of a society who just want "stuff " by Bill O'Rielly. That's just those whose names I know, their callers were all saying the same thing, its just more of the 47% bullshit again.     There are 17 states in this country who turn a profit, by that I mean they put more money in the government kitty than they take out. New Jersey is the most profitable. For every dollar they give the gov., they get $.61 back. Meaning $.39 go to others states.     The other 16 states who turn a profit are, in order,Nevada, Conn., New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York. Are we noticing a trend here? Colorado, Mass., Washington, Mich., Texas, Florida and Oregon. 16 of the 17 states who turn a profit voted for President Obama, Texas being the only profitab...

What? Me Worry?

    Well today is the big day and if there's one thing I'm pretty sure of is that my life won't change all that much no matter who wins.     I live in a community that survived the last Wall Street meltdown quite well and is now almost where we need to be to be an even better community. We can handle whatever is thrown at us.  And our Mayor,our city council and our county commissioners are all Dems. Go figure.     I'm not a woman, so I don't have to worry about keeping the right to make the  ultimate decisions in my life.     I'm not gay, so I don't need to worry about having to live my life as a second class person because a verse from a book written by people who thought slavery was good and the world was flat, says that's the way it should be.     I'm not the gay person serving his country that'll be shamed back into the closet.     I'm not the military person who'll be put i...