What? Me Worry?

    Well today is the big day and if there's one thing I'm pretty sure of is that my life won't change all that much no matter who wins.
    I live in a community that survived the last Wall Street meltdown quite well and is now almost where we need to be to be an even better community. We can handle whatever is thrown at us.  And our Mayor,our city council and our county commissioners are all Dems. Go figure.
    I'm not a woman, so I don't have to worry about keeping the right to make the  ultimate decisions in my life.
    I'm not gay, so I don't need to worry about having to live my life as a second class person because a verse from a book written by people who thought slavery was good and the world was flat, says that's the way it should be.
    I'm not the gay person serving his country that'll be shamed back into the closet.
    I'm not the military person who'll be put in harms way because a group of men  are just itching to put the smackdown on Iran.
    And I most assuredly won't be going on Fox News calling my new President a Communist, a racist, a Marxist, a Nazi, and/or a secular European Socialist like others have called Pres. Obama.( because only on Fox can you be all 5, at the same time).


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