Smoochin the Moocher

    Well it's only been a day and I've already been called a "moocher" by Rush Limbaugh, a member of the "wanting something for nothing club" by Glenn Beck and part of a society who just want "stuff " by Bill O'Rielly. That's just those whose names I know, their callers were all saying the same thing, its just more of the 47% bullshit again.
    There are 17 states in this country who turn a profit, by that I mean they put more money in the government kitty than they take out. New Jersey is the most profitable. For every dollar they give the gov., they get $.61 back. Meaning $.39 go to others states.
    The other 16 states who turn a profit are, in order,Nevada, Conn., New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York. Are we noticing a trend here? Colorado, Mass., Washington, Mich., Texas, Florida and Oregon. 16 of the 17 states who turn a profit voted for President Obama, Texas being the only profitable state that went for Romney.
    We'll call these 17 states the givers, because they end up giving their money to other states. On the opposite end we have the takers, the 17 states who receive what Fox news likes to call, handouts. Starting with the worst they are Mississippi, New Mexico, Alaska, Louisiana, West Virginia, N. Dakota, Alabama, S. Dakota, Virginia, Kentucky, Montana, Hawaii, Maine, Arkansas, Oklahoma, S, Carolina and Missouri. 13 of the 17 states who receive the most money from those profitable states voted for Romney. And the Romney victories in these states weren't even close, the average margin of victory was 18% points. The second highest win for Romney was in West Virginia where he won every single county and 65% of the vote. Yet for every dollar WV puts into the gov. kitty, it pulls out $1.76.
    So, for my liberal friends, the next time your called a "moocher" because you voted for Obama remember this blog. For my friends on the right who have called us Obama voters "moochers", "freeloaders", or that mythical 47% (and I know you have) well, you can kiss my ass.


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