
    I got a little "hope your happy now" message today regarding Kim Davis the county clerk found in contempt of court and placed in jail. No, I'm not happy. I don't want to see this women jailed, I want to see her do her job, and besides, even with her jailed there were no licenses issued today.
    Not once, but twice this woman has placed her hand the bible, and knowing this woman it was probably her family bible, and swore to uphold the constitution of the United States. If you're not able to do this, walk away. This country is not a theocracy and Rowan county is not your little kingdom. (It was brought out in court today that the other clerks have no problem issuing licenses but were in fear of their jobs if they crossed Kim)
    Theocracy according to Websters is defined as "government of a state by divine guidance  or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided". We as a country have sent our loved ones to fight, and die, because of a theocracy in Afghanistan. We look with disdain on countries such as Saudi Arabia, whose women are not only not allowed to drive b/c of religious teachings they're not even allowed to go out by themselves. We even have hard liners in this country calling for more of  our loved ones to fight another theocratic organization in ISIS. And now, now we have politicians heaping "atta girls"on this woman and praising her stand for her theocratic beliefs.
     Its quite disgusting really. They'll send our troops to stop theocracies but stand up for theocratic beliefs at home.


  1. I don't think she belongs in jail but I also think she should be fired and we are told that is impossible, short of impeachment which they say is unlikely. The alternative was jail and she is committing a crime so lock her up!! She probably belongs in a mental hospital where she can be deprogrammed. I think the woman is a bit nutso!!


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