Sanity Clarified

    There's nothing like a little religious WTF to help one clarify their sanity and this week was chocked full of WTFs. My sanity is now clarified for days on end.
    First up was the Hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca where worshipers are commanded to cast pebbles at three stone pillars to cast out Satan. (The effectiveness of this ritual seems a little suspect to me, either it doesn't work at all or at the very least Satan keeps coming back, because it has to done every year.) This year 717 people were crushed to death in order for everyone to get their turn at casting pebbles. How in the world can a person consciously trample across the heads of their fellow worshipers just to throw a few pebbles at a wall. The thought of zombies cross my mind, an unfeeling unemotional being without regard to their fellow human.
    Sanity clarified.
    Next up was the Popes' visit where he was chastised for having the gall to actually remind people of the teachings of Christ. That was to be expected though, they've been on his ass for quite a while for wanting to take care of the planet and helping the needy. My moment of sanity clarification came about when I read what had happened after his address to Congress. Rep. Bob Brady of Philadelphia made a bee line to the lectern after the speech and commandeered the glass of water the Pope had been drinking from. He immediately took it back to office where he, his wife and two staffers took sips from the glass. He then invited in Sen. Bob Casey who along with his wife and mother dipped their fingers in the glass and moistened their lips with the water. (Not sure why they didn't take a sip also. It could be because by that time the spittle factor on the glass was very high or it could be that Rep. Brady was rationing the water, because he did take the rest of it home for his children and grandchildren.)
    Sanity clarified.
    Tomorrow is the coming of a lunar eclipse which will result in what some are calling a blood moon. (It'll actually be orange but calling it a pumpkin moon just isn't very threatening) A blood moon can only mean one thing, an apocalypse. The Mormon church had to issue a statement yesterday telling their followers to calm the hell down and not get their magic underwear in a wad. (Yes, they wear magic underwear, look it up.)
    Sanity clarification complete, and for that, I thank you.


  1. Great way to start my day!!! Lol u missed me and my fellow Jews fasting to attone .... Helped me start cleaner eating!!


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