Donald Trump has a Penis (According to Donald Trump)

    First off let me get the sarcasm out of the way. Thank you to the GOP for contributing your best and brightest to be the leader of the free world. Your donation of a semi-fascist, a religious ideologue and a yes-man toady who's clearly not ready for prime time anything has created a scenario that's somewhat frightening but, oddly enough, sometimes humorous in a WTF sort of way.
    I've never been a fan the GOP, mostly over social issues. From the fight against global warming to the staunch opposition of equal rights for my gay friends, family and neighbors. Every time they lose a battle it would be on to another, always using fear and hatred as the catalyst. And now? Now their worst nightmare has come true, someone has come along and exposed a large part of their electorate that they wanted to keep hidden. The mainstream members of the party see this as a death knell but it's not as if Trump has an opposing view of the world, everyone on the stage last Thurs said they would support him and speak on his behalf. They're just upset that he's using a much louder voice to extol those views.
   I venture over to the dark side and jump around in their playpen from time to time and it's total chaos over there. The Trump supporters are upset. Their party has had control of Congress for two years now and they still haven't got what they wanted. Their conservative majority on the Supreme Court have let them down with the ACA and gay marriage rulings. Mexicans are still here and the their wall has stalled.  Obama has not been impeached (you need an impeachable offense), Hillary is not in jail (again, you need a criminal offense) and Muslims have killed Americans on US soil again (but never mind that toddlers shot and killed more Americans than  Muslims last year).
    The Trump followers have to be the biggest enigma I've ever witnessed. I totally understand why he professed his love for the poorly educated last month (I still can't get the picture out of my head of his supporters jumping up and down in their living rooms going, "He thanked me, he loves me!!!") To a person they will say that they like him b/c he speaks the truth and tells it like it is... I know, try wrapping your head around that for a second. The only truth that's come out of his mouth was at the debate when he said GWB didn't keep us safe and lied us into a war. He got booed for that and it probably cost him a couple of percentage points in SC but it was a mere flesh wound. Hell, about the only truth coming out of all their mouths at the debates are when they're calling each other liars. (And we thank you for that, even though you're mostly preaching to the choir it'll come in handy in the general election)
    The Donald has had 99 statements fact-checked at Politifact so far, here's his scorecard.
True- 1
Mostly True- 6
Half True- 15
Mostly False- 18
False- 39
Pants on Fire- 20
His one and only true statement occurred on 12/20/15: American polling shows Russian President Vladimir Putin has "an 80 percent approval rating." I still haven't figured out why I should care about that though, and besides, as long as Putin keeps the vodka flowing the Russians probably don't give a shit what he does.
    I've tried to explain to his followers that there's a yuuge difference between someone telling the truth and someone telling you what you want to hear, but they won't have any of that. They're sitting over there waiting on that check from Mexico to build the wall (it ain't comin) and believing that "blacks kill 81% of white homicide victims" (Sorry Donald but sadly, whites are killing whites at an 83% clip and it's damned shame the US is the only country to have to keep stats like this) and "there are up to 80 million people not working in America." Actually that last statement is true...if you count every single American over sixteen who is still sucking air. (Retirees, students, housewives, disabled, etc., etc.)
    Amazingly though, after all the lies, the vitriol and the bigotry, I look down the list, and what's there? Ted Cruz, or as his wife likes to call him, "the new face of God." (Puh-lease.) And Marco Rubio. A robot being continually wound up by the old guard money. It's a tough choice. The American Taliban or the Olde Cabal, who are chomping at the bit to make more wounded warriors.
    At least with Trump there's a factor of the unknown. How do we know, after all the lies he spewed so far, that he's not lying to his followers. He's on tape as being pro-choice and backing Planned Parenthood. He's known to have used undocumented workers in his businesses and he's not a complete homophobic like his competitors are.
    For the moment Trump is their parties problem and a sizable one at that. If he gets the delegates and they try to take them at the convention then they alienate his supporters, If not, then they risk him shooting himself in the foot and/or have to sit and watch as the Dems roll continuous  footage of members of his own party calling Trump a dangerous man and bad for the country.
    So after countless debates and endless rhetoric the only thing that we've been able to somewhat determine, is that Donald Trump has a penis. At least according to the man who speaks the truth and tells it like it is.


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