
    History is an odd creature. Although it you can't change it, it is none the less a living and breathing thing. What has happened has actually happened, that much we know, but history can provide the how and the why. And it also provides a means of looking into the aftermath of a historical event.
    Take President Clinton and his tryst with an intern. It was an extremely egregious act and he let down many of his supporters, but to be fair, history has shown us that at least 7 presidents before him had their own little escapades and one even made a baby in his trysts. They never had to stand before a judiciary committee and lie about it though, thus we had an impeachment process.
    In an impeachment the House acts as a prosecutor and the Senate acts as the jury. The prosecution was led by the House Speaker at the time, Newt Gingrich, who history has shown was at the time cheating on his own wife, the woman who he cheated with while he was married to his first wife. (The one positive you can take from Newts philandering is that at least me marries his home wreckers.) After the House had their fun they sent the case to the Senate who voted by a wide margin that the impeachment was nothing but a big waste of time and tax payer money.
    Newt went on to leave the House because of his own ethics violations, not due to philandering but a scam he ran over an educational coarse he taught, and in turn was replaced by Bob Livingston. For about a month. You see Bob was bangin his secretary also and it became public, so Bob was forced to resign from the House. (Ironically Bob was replaced in the House by David Vitter, who has since admitted his involvement in a DC prostitution ring.) After Bob and Newts embarrassment the Republicans desperately needed a Speaker who was squeaky clean, a member who couldn't possibly be involved in extramarital hanky-panky. They settled on Dennis Hastert, who this week was sentenced to 16 months in jail for his own ethics violations involving illegal money transfers. Transfers sent to a man he molested. All told Dennis Hastert molested 5 boys when he was their wrestling coach, changing their lives forever in the worst possible of ways. History, alive and breathing.


    History can and should be used as a tool, but all too often it's ignored and replaced with passion, whether it be love or hate. For instance, I love a cigarette with my morning coffee but history shows that's a deadly thing to do. History be damned, I'm having my cigarette.
    So while history can't provide one single time that a transgendered person has caused any problems in the bathroom of their choice, we must create a law to end it. (Unless you live under a rock the chances that you've shared a public restroom with a transgender are very high) History has shown that you're safer sharing a bathroom with a transgender than with a Republican politician though, three of them have been arrested for using a public restroom for something other than going potty.
   Lost in the furor and cries of "we must protect our children" are the facts that history has placed right in front of us. It's not a transgender in a bathroom where your child is at risk. It's a church or a school or even their own home. A quick google of "church member convicted of sexual assault" will get you 1,470,000 hits in just a half a second. Change convicted to arrested and you'll get 3,010,000. Every day we are forced to listen to atrocities that befall children, many by their own parents. It's disgusting and heartbreaking. Made even worse by the fact that it's almost always someone the child trusted.
    So we know there's a problem, and history shows us where the problem exists, but the solution is to attack the person who we know not to be a problem? Priceless. And thus creating a new problem. Because contrary to popular internet memes, this is not the person wanting to use the ladies room.
 It's her.
And her.
And they're only interested in who does your wifes hair and where she gets her clothes, not what's under them. But if you think your wife would feel more comfortable with this person
or this person sharing their bathroom,
then by all means keep passing your goofy laws.
   Personally, I don't understand why a person would want to transgender, seems like a lot work to me. And I don't have to understand, but I'm sure their decision wasn't an easy one. You see, my station in life doesn't allow me to judge them. Come to think of it, if I read the book right, I'm pretty sure nobody has that station.



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