A Day In the Life

    I've been wanting to write about The Donald for a few weeks now, but quite frankly, I can't keep up. Before I turn the computer on after work each day I wonder to myself , who did he verbally attack today? Or, I wonder what he whined about or lied about. Well, yesterday he hit the trifecta and lucky me it's a Sunday and I have a little time on my hands.
    Right out of the gate he couldn't help but disparage a grieving mother. Sure the Khans called him out Thurs. when they asked what sacrifices he's made for the country and he could have stuck to his original response which was, “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve done― I’ve had― I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.” (Wow, I never looked at going to work every day to feed and house myself as a sacrifice. Thanks Donald, please pity poor me and everybody else who does the same damned thing. But I can't help to think that those who sacrificed the most in Donalds building of great structures were the people who got stiffed in all those bankruptcies.)
    But Donald being who he is couldn't just rely on his supposed laurels, he needed to attack the Khans. "If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me." Presumably. he was referring to Khans religion but as Mrs. Khan pointed out in an interview “I was very nervous, because I cannot see my son’s picture, I cannot even come in the room where his pictures are. I am very upset when I heard when he said that I didn’t say anything. I was in pain. If you were in pain you fight or you don’t say anything, I’m not a fighter, I can’t fight. So the best thing I do was quiet.” Poor Donald, he has sacrificed so much.
    After the attack on the Khans he started in on the whining and lying. The whining started with the debate schedule when he tweeted Hillary and the Dems were "trying to rig the debates" because two of them go head to head against the NFL.  Debates that were not only scheduled a year ago but just so happen to be the same days of the week of the 2012 debates. Of coarse Donald had to do his whining in front a TV camera so his supporters could feel his whine. So he went on ABC and said, "I'll tell you what I don't like. It's against two NFL games. I got a letter from the NFL saying, 'This is ridiculous." Sadly for Donald there are people at the NFL who can also read and write and they quickly replied, "While we'd obviously wish the debate commission could find another night, we did not send a letter to Trump."
    To top off Donalds yesterday he ended up getting stuck in an elevator. It was probably a quite harrowing experience to those stuck with him. Getting stuck in an elevator with Donald Trump would no doubt take years off a persons life. But the fire department was called and Donald was rescued and made it to rally in good health, albeit a little late.
    Once there Donald made sure to give a shout out to the fire fighters straight away by saying, “So I have to tell you this. This is why our country doesn’t work. “We have plenty of space here. We have thousands of people outside trying to get in. And we have a fire marshal that said, ‘Oh we can’t allow more people. And the reason they won’t let them in is because they don’t know what the hell they’re doing. Hey, maybe they’re a Hillary person. Could that be possible? Probably. I don’t think there are too many of them.”
    If they weren't Hillary supporters before, they probably are now, you dick. Attacking a man for doing his job. Well done. And this is from a man who should know all about building codes and a Fire Marshalls job to see that they're in forced.
    So, so glad I don't live in that mans skin. What a cold, dark place that must be.


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