The 59%

    Well trump finally came out and said it. No, it's not his birther statement, I'll get to that in a moment. This is about how he's sees the media.
     While trying to explain away his man crush on Vladamir Putin last Monday Trump stated, "They said he's killed reporters. And I don't like that. I'm totally against that. And by the way, I hate some of these people. But I would never kill them. I hate them," he said. "These people — honestly, I'll be honest, I'll be honest — I would never kill them. I would never do that."
    If you're wondering why there wasn't footage of journalists dancing in the streets after that statement it's because they know that 70% of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit. (Actually it's 71.4% but my affinity for even numbers works in his favor this time.) Still, that's somewhat good news. Personally I've always wanted to believe he wouldn't kill journalists but there was always a nagging doubt. Now that we know there's a 30% chance he won't, I say dance on journalists and sleep well, just keep that passport updated and nearby.
    But that news pales in comparison to the biggest news of the week. Last Sunday when Mike Pence removed his tin foil hat and said Pres. Obama was born in the US I thought I'd just watched a man lose his job. But then the campaign issued a statement Thursday saying the same thing and I was all like "WTH? Talk about going rogue".
    Yesterday they made Donald say it too. He took to the stage surrounded by people (safety in numbers) and like a ten year old explaining who really broke the window said, "President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period" What does that mean? It just means that instead of  59% of his supporters believing Pres Obama was born in Kenya, the number now stands at 58.998%. His supporters drank that kool-aid a long time ago and they aren't going to change their minds just because Donald was forced to admit it.
    They prefer to believe that the doctors and the hospitals lied when they said that the certificate of live birth, the one any other person needs to run for office, was forged. They prefer to believe the board of health lied when they posted the birth announcement in two local newspapers. (They never could explain that one away. I hoped I could find at least one birther with a time travel theory, but alas) They prefer to believe that the state is complicit in the release of the long form certificate. Even supposedly intelligent people tripped all over themselves to denounce that one. Congresswoman Marsha Blackman questioned that one just because it didn't look exactly like her Tennessee certificate.
    That's just more of the extra load Pres. Obama has had to carry during his presidency. Can you imagine for a moment if in 2008, Obama had brought out his 5 children from 3 different baby mamas and have his current baby mama speak proudly of the fact she's been with her man longer than he's been divorced?  (Yes Melania, you got math checked.) What a shit storm that would've created. Faux outrage has been a trademark during his presidency though.
    When Obama went on one of his first overseas visits he made the brutal mistake of bowing to Japanese royalty and they were all over that. A quick internet search shows many presidents bowing to royalty, but they were outraged that his bow had a little too much angle. His predecessor would have never bowed to royalty, and they're right.

    George preferred a kiss and strolling hand in hand. And in a strange twist of fate, Congress just approved a measure this week that would allow Americans to sue this particular royal family for being complicit in the 9/11 attacks. History, it never goes away.
     Talk to any of the 59%ers and they'll tell you Obama has set race relations back 50 years. My response is usually "is it because he made you make all those racist signs?"

These two are not nearly the worst signs, but they're unique in the fact they appeared a mere 43 days after Obama took office. (I know what you're thinking, Obama is Plan doesn't make any sense. That's the neat thing about Tea Party signs, it takes a little cognitive recognition to figure them out.) It went down hill from from here. Signs with the N-word and signs depicting lynchings became normal. He's been called a Nazi, a fascist, a communist, a Marxist and of coarse a Muslim. Never mind that it's impossible to be all those things at once, it looks damned good on a sign.
    Even good old fair and balanced Fox News took note and made adjustments just so people could vent their racist rhetoric. In 2008 Fox saw the writing on wall. Their comments section had begun to fill up with racist remarks and they needed to make a decision. They didn't want to lose visitors to their site but they also didn't want to lose what little legitimacy they had and allow the racists to vent on their lead page. They came up with Fox Nation, a sub page where they could not only fuel the racism but also give the the racists a no-holds barred place to frolic.
    While that worked out pretty well for them they still had to cut-off their main comments section at least six times through the years. The last time they had to turn them off was May 1st of this year when they did an innocent story about a young girl who was going to wait a year before entering Harvard after she graduated. But when comments like:
Hopefully she gets cancer/aids or one of those colored diseases. 
I wonder if she applied as a muDslime..or a foreign student..or just a Ni@@er  
they has to shut it down. (That last one had the most likes)
I'm not sure what Malia Obama did to them to make them write shit like that, maybe , and this is wild assumption to make but maybe these people are just racists.
     But the 59% , I'm sorry, the 58.998% of his supporters have assured us they aren't. But it does beg the question, if it's not racist to deny a man his birthright in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary and when you're most likely the only people who reside on this planet who believe the way you do, then what is it?
 I think I just stumbled upon a new motto, "We're not racists, we're just stupid!!"



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