And Your Winner Is

    Who will be the next President?
    When I look at polling one of the first ones that I cast out is a general election poll. They don't matter one iota because we use an electoral college to select our president. You can carry the popular vote and still lose, as we've witnessed before.
    Using the Fox News interactive as of today Hillary has 205 electoral votes to Donalds 164 with 12 states undecided and 270 needed to win. The 12 undecided they have are Nev, Col, Ari, Iowa, Wisc, Mich, Ohio, Pa, Va, NC, Ga, and Fla. lists Wisc, Mich, Pa, and Vir as better than 80% to vote Hillary and Ga, Ari, Iowa are probably Trumps. That puts us at 264 to 197 leaving 5 states Nev, Ohio ,Fla, NC, and Col. All Hillary has to do is win one of those states. Even if it's just Nev and their 6 votes, it puts her at 270.


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