
History Revisited: The Whens and Whys of Statues

                                                   When South Carolina was in the process of removing the Confederate flag after Dylan Roof, and while watching the politicians stumble over each doing it, I heard a man on TV say it had "proudly been flown since 1962". My first thought was, 1962? Why only since 1962? I figured it had flown there since before the war. Once I found out it was their way of protesting school segregation and the civil rights movement it got me looking a little deeper and remembering the monuments I've seen.     I've traveled around a lot in the south, was even stationed in South Carolina for a couple years. One thing I noticed was all the monuments. In trips to Richmond and New Orleans you don't even have to...

All in a Days Work (part II)

    I know many will find this hard to believe but I spend a lot of time in church. Many different churches actually. From small churches out in the country, the kind that still have the tote board in the lobby that keeps track of attendance and donations, to big churches that take up a half a city block and in which I've actually gotten lost before. Most churches have security and/or fire systems in varying degrees of depth. Fire systems because jurisdictions require them in buildings where people gather and security due to the fact that some churches have sound and recording equipment that a lot of musicians would die for.     This week I had a call to make at a Freewill Baptist that, as Freewill Baptist churches go, is pretty big. When I called the Pastor to let him know I was on the way he said he would meet me there to unlock the door and my reaction was, cool, he's going to let me in to do my thing and I'll have an empty building with no impediments ...

The Vote

    First off, a tip of the cap to the County Board of  Elections and the polling workers there. Great set up and very friendly folks. I highly recommend it. Plus it's a great place to see what 50,000 political signs look like on 1,000 sq. ft. of grassy space. Mind blowing.    I try my best to look at policy when voting and this year was tough, so little of it is getting through the noise. So the first thing was to throw out all the noise, starting with the womanizing and misogyny crap. First off if you were shocked by Donald Trumps leaked tape, welcome back from that rock you've been living under. I used to be a big Howard Stern fan and Donald was a frequent guest on the show. Back then I was a little shocked at some of the things he said, with my usual reaction being, "what a dick". I'm not surprised at the women coming forward because it's exactly what he talked about doing on Stern. But seriously, can we just move on.     Trumps' counter att...

And Your Winner Is

    Who will be the next President?     When I look at polling one of the first ones that I cast out is a general election poll. They don't matter one iota because we use an electoral college to select our president. You can carry the popular vote and still lose, as we've witnessed before.     Using the Fox News interactive as of today Hillary has 205 electoral votes to Donalds 164 with 12 states undecided and 270 needed to win. The 12 undecided they have are Nev, Col, Ari, Iowa, Wisc, Mich, Ohio, Pa, Va, NC, Ga, and Fla. lists Wisc, Mich, Pa, and Vir as better than 80% to vote Hillary and Ga, Ari, Iowa are probably Trumps. That puts us at 264 to 197 leaving 5 states Nev, Ohio ,Fla, NC, and Col. All Hillary has to do is win one of those states. Even if it's just Nev and their 6 votes, it puts her at 270.

The Straw?

    Well now he's gone and done it. Could this be the straw that breaks the camels back?     I would think that most historians would agree that the last thing a presidential candidate should be doing is sitting in front of a computer at five in morning telling the world to check out this kickass new sex tape he just came across. That by itself might turn off a couple likely supporters but that's not what made so many other people upset. What Donald ultimately did is unforgivable to many, me included.     Americans take their celebrity sex tapes very seriously and he directed us to a lame ass tape taken from a reality TV show. How bogus is that? Hell, most people don't even think it's really sex and was just a stunt to draw viewers. Americans are used to top-of-line sex tapes, it's one of things we do best. You had half the adults in the country googling away for the next Pam and Tommy Lee but all they found was a frisky Ozzie and Harriott....

The 59%

    Well trump finally came out and said it. No, it's not his birther statement, I'll get to that in a moment. This is about how he's sees the media.      While trying to explain away his man crush on Vladamir Putin last Monday Trump stated, "They said he's killed reporters. And I don't like that. I'm totally against that. And by the way, I hate some of these people. But I would never kill them. I hate them," he said. "These people — honestly, I'll be honest, I'll be honest — I would never kill them. I would never do that."     If you're wondering why there wasn't footage of journalists dancing in the streets after that statement it's because they know that 70% of what comes out of his mouth is bullshit. (Actually it's 71.4% but my affinity for even numbers works in his favor this time.) Still, that's somewhat good news. Personally I've always wanted to believe he wouldn't kill journalists but there w...

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    I want to give a big shout-out to the women who get paraded on TV as Donald Trump spokespersons. Thank you for making my job much more enjoyable because yours really sucks. Trying to explain away an ever changing Donald Trump political landscape has to be exhausting. I hope Donald is paying you extremely well. (Up front of coarse, there is a track record of nonpayment of services.)     Scottie Nell Hughes started out being the go to woman for the campaign and she actually did a pretty good providing skits for SNL. She had to take a back seat eventually and was replaced by "resting bitch face" Katrina Pierson. (Seriously, here she is watching her favorite cartoons.) Katrina does a good job also, it's almost as if she was born to be a shill. It can't be easy to go on TV and have a laughing news person ask "WTF are you talking about?" on an almost daily basis.      But this weekend Donald had to bring out the bi...