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    I want to give a big shout-out to the women who get paraded on TV as Donald Trump spokespersons. Thank you for making my job much more enjoyable because yours really sucks. Trying to explain away an ever changing Donald Trump political landscape has to be exhausting. I hope Donald is paying you extremely well. (Up front of coarse, there is a track record of nonpayment of services.)
    Scottie Nell Hughes started out being the go to woman for the campaign and she actually did a pretty good providing skits for SNL. She had to take a back seat eventually and was replaced by "resting bitch face" Katrina Pierson. (Seriously, here she is watching her favorite cartoons.)

Katrina does a good job also, it's almost as if she was born to be a shill. It can't be easy to go on TV and have a laughing news person ask "WTF are you talking about?" on an almost daily basis.
     But this weekend Donald had to bring out the big gun and sent out his new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway (his 3rd in three months) to carry his water. Now I'm not in any way a person who knows how to run a campaign, but I would think there would be a better hire than a person who worked for your former opponent and has said you only know how to throw insults, has demanded you release your tax returns and questioned your truthiness.
    That decision quickly came into play when Kellyanne was asked about his insult throwing expertise and she had to eat her own words and say "but he doesn't hurl insults." I was bummed when I read that, and actually felt a little foolish, because that's the only reason I follow his twitter feed. I really enjoy seeing who has gotten his thumbs in an uproar everyday. (I'm only speculating here. He could be a mom texter)

Insults are the one thing Donald does best and for her to throw shade on that achievement was insulting to Donald IMO. From Neil Young to Saudi Arabia he's got one for everybody, and most times many for each.
    Donalds twitter is much like his campaign, a hot mess with comedic interludes. Some of it's pretty benign stuff like
"Just leaving Virginia - really big crowd, great enthusiasm!"
 but then he'll throw in a whine to his staffers "@55Lidsville: @KellyannePolls
"You need to show the crowds at the rallies use Periscope!".
    Now I'm not a businessman but I think if I needed to  bark out orders to my staff I'd probably use a personal text instead of doing it for 10M people to see. Oops, my bad, 11M, he tweeted that milestone last week.
"200,000 new followers for . From 10,800,000 to 11,000,000, All in the last ten days or so!"
    He's pretty proud of the amount of his followers and tweets the running total about once a week, and 11M is a decent amount. He's only 81M behind the front runner Katy Perry and 21M behind somebody named Grizzy. (You got this Donald!) But the thing about twitter though is you can't know who the true "followers" are and who might be like me, someone who just wants to rub elbows with batshit crazy and sees Donald as the safest and most consistent way to achieve that goal.
    But through all the whining:
"It is being reported by virtually everyone, and is a fact, that the media pile on against me is the worst in American political history!"
it's his insults that carry Donald in the twitter world and lucky for us twitter makes compiling and caching really simple. Donalds insult total is now up to 258 people, places and things with total insulting tweets surpassing 4,000
    A quick word swirl of his twitter finds that "crooked' is very popular, but that's to be expected I guess, although for someone who's used bankruptcy to screw people over 4 times, it seems a bit of a stretch to call others crooked.
    His other favorite words are loser and any variation of the word fail. To Donald, everyone but himself is a failure or in the process of failing
    He's used twitter to attack every Democratic and Republican presidential nominee, he sent over 600 different texts to to attack Rubio, Cruz and Jeb Bush alone. He's hurled insults at 69 different news people, and most major publictions (except the National Inquirer), 7 different countries and even a rock song.
.’s song, “Rockin’ In The Free World” was just one of 10 songs used as background music. Didn’t love it anyway."
    It took less than 24 hours after Kelleyanne said "Donald doesn't hurl insults" for Donald to start up,
"Tried watching low-rated this morning, unwatchable! is off the wall, a neurotic and not very bright mess!" A couple minutes later he went full on page three.
"Some day, when things calm down, I'll tell the real story of and his very insecure long-time girlfriend, . Two clowns!"  
    How in the world people find this as being presidential is beyond me. A layman following his twitter would think, "what an asshole", but this asshole wants to build a $30B wall in the middle of nowhere, so it's all good.
    It took a couple days to put this together but just in that time Kelleyanne walked back her statement about the insults. Yes Donald hurls them but only in response to others. It's the classic 12 year olds excuse, "yeah, but they started it."
 Katrina also cracked up the crowd at CNN with her, "He hasn't changed his position on immigration. He's changed the words that he is saying," It's a classic.


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