
Showing posts from June, 2012

I Heart My City (part II)

    I know I'm probably sounding like a broken record, but I guess it's only human nature that when your proud of something you intend to crow a bit. Especially when it's going against the norm.     The unemployment rate in Columbus, which stood at 6.5% in April, dropped to an even 6% in May. 2,600 people found jobs in May and it was the 12th straight monthly drop. I know 5 friends who either found jobs or moved up to better jobs in the past 6 weeks, and a couple of those even read this blog. I was just made aware last night that a good friends relative got a job at the new casino paying $40,000 plus tips and insurance. That's good money in these parts.     The new cancer center, which should be finished next summer, will add 6,000 permanent jobs. The jobs created there have a major ripple effect and its noticed the most in the housing market. While home sales declined again in the US last month, they were up 20% here. Columb...

An Honest Answer (for some its just impossible) * Updated

     Sometimes I see or hear someone do or say something stupid and chalk it up as, "it's just a great big old goofy world", and then I see something like this today and I just shake my head in disbelief. I know its this womans job as the head of the DEA to defend her agencys actions but, well see for yourself. I'm sure 99% of the people in this country would have no problem giving a yes/no answer, but not Michele.     I'm sure she knows this but just like many in Washington she doesn't want a few facts get in the way of their rhetoric.     In New York City an average of 5 people die from a heroin overdose every weekend. Over 700 people overdosed in NY in 2009.     40 people overdose on prescription painkillers every day in the US. And deaths from prescription painkillers have tripled in the past 10 years.     While not as likely to cause an overdose death, methamphetamine and crack destroy th...

What the Frack Part 2

               PART 2       Any questions?      Yes sirs, will there be independent ground water testing?      There will be ground water testing and instead of just up to 500' of the well, the water will be tested 1,500' from each well.      But will it be independent testing?      No, we're going to let the drillers do the testing, they're the professionals at such things.      Will there be horizontal drilling?      Absolutely, with horizontal drilling they'll be able to drill up to 7,000'  in any direction from a single platform. This cuts down on the environmental impact.      If they can drill horizontally up to 7,000' why will they only be testing the water 1,500' from the well?      Next question. ...

What the Frack?

    Thank you Ohio politicians for passing that tough fracking bill. Now the drillers are forced to tell us what kind of crap they're pumping into the ground.      So what is it?     Water and sand.     That's it?     Well there's other stuff, but it's a trade secret and they really can't divulge that to citizenry. But trust us it's nothing harmful.      Well who can they divulge it to?      They have to tell doctors.      If there's nothing harmful why do they have to tell doctors?      Just in case something harmful is pumped in, the doctors need to know what symptoms they might see and how to treat it.      So if I get sick and go to the doctor, then the doctor will be able to tell me I'm sick because of this certain chemical in the ground?     Oh no. That would be divulging th...

A Loving Story

    It appears now that with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals finding Californias' Prop 8 unconstitutional and the courts in NY and Mass finding the same thing regarding the Defense of Marriage Act, same-sex marriage will get its day in the Supreme Court. Coincidentally it was 45 years ago this month that the Supreme Court decided that the arrest and conviction of Mildred and Richard Loving was unconstitutional also. Its hard to fathom that in my lifetime people of mixed race were arrested and jailed for marrying, but that was the case. The battle for the right of marriage between races was even harder than the battle being waged today for same-sex couples. It also tore families apart, but people were arrested and jailed for violating anti-miscegenation laws and the battle for their rights lasted for nearly a century.     The first breakthrough back then also came from the California Supreme...