What the Frack Part 2

               PART 2

      Any questions?
     Yes sirs, will there be independent ground water testing?
     There will be ground water testing and instead of just up to 500' of the well, the water will be tested 1,500' from each well.
     But will it be independent testing?
     No, we're going to let the drillers do the testing, they're the professionals at such things.
     Will there be horizontal drilling?
     Absolutely, with horizontal drilling they'll be able to drill up to 7,000'  in any direction from a single platform. This cuts down on the environmental impact.
     If they can drill horizontally up to 7,000' why will they only be testing the water 1,500' from the well?
     Next question.
     We have an unemployment problem in our county. Can you assure us that this drilling will create jobs?
     We can absolutely say there will be job creation in your county.
     So the people in our county will be the first on the list for drilling jobs?
     Well the companies are out of state oil companies and we can't guarantee there would be direct hiring by them but we're positive that with the influx of workers Judy will need a new waitress at the cafe.   

     I'm a fan of natural gas, its much cleaner than coal or gas and there are vast amounts of it in this country. 25% of the electricity in Ohio is now coming from natural gas. COTA has converted almost all their buses to run on natural gas and these are great things. What I have a problem with is the way Gov. Kasich presented this bill to the people. He called these new rules "the most aggessive, clearest, fairest, and strongest fracking standards you'll find anywhere in the country."
     He touted the fact that this bill has chemical disclosures and thats true it does, but no more than what is already known. Here's a list of the known chemicals, there are others, but again they are listed as "trade secrets". (be ready to be amazed because this list is extremely long) http://fracfocus.org/chemical-use/what-chemicals-are-used.
     He touted the water testing, but again the testing will be done by the people doing the drilling. Other businesses are not allowed to do this. When I go into an egg farm or a dairy producing factory the FDA has their own office and I'm sure its that way in other food producing plants. To have the people who are profiting from the drilling doing the testing of the water is not a thing to be touting.
     There are no limits in the bill at all and this covers the Utica shale as well. Utica shale is the deepest of all the shale. They'll have to drill 1 1/2 miles into the ground for this gas. and with this bill there's no limit on how many can be going at one time.
    Finally, how can a bill override a doctors hippocratic oath? And if there aren't harmful chemicals being pumped into the ground why is this even in the bill? Just writing about it hard to do becase of its absurdity. When a doctor notices an illness and can find no probable cause he can go to the oil company for a list of chemicals being used in any nearby wells. Once he has done that the the oil company has an uh-oh moment and can stop using using the chemicals that might be causing the problem and by the time ODNR can set up independent testing the chemicals can dissapate. In the meantime the doctor can tell the patient nothing about what might be in his well water, only the drillers and ODNR can do that.
     Oh well, hopefully everything will work out and nobody will be getting sick and there won't be anymore earthquakes (there's already been four over 4 points on the richter scale in the Akron area waste water disposal wells.) but I seriously don't think that will be the case. History says it won't.



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