An Honest Answer (for some its just impossible) * Updated

     Sometimes I see or hear someone do or say something stupid and chalk it up as, "it's just a great big old goofy world", and then I see something like this today and I just shake my head in disbelief. I know its this womans job as the head of the DEA to defend her agencys actions but, well see for yourself. I'm sure 99% of the people in this country would have no problem giving a yes/no answer, but not Michele.

    I'm sure she knows this but just like many in Washington she doesn't want a few facts get in the way of their rhetoric.
    In New York City an average of 5 people die from a heroin overdose every weekend. Over 700 people overdosed in NY in 2009.
    40 people overdose on prescription painkillers every day in the US. And deaths from prescription painkillers have tripled in the past 10 years.
    While not as likely to cause an overdose death, methamphetamine and crack destroy the body from the inside out and in the case of meth, without intervention and treatment, a hardcore meth addict can expect to live 12-18 months.
    The total number of marijuana related overdose deaths in 2011, zero. The same as the year before that and the year before that, and so on and so on.
    If there's up side to this video its that the Head of the DEA has not even the slightest idea of how stupid she sounds.

    I figured I'd add this. Ms. Leonhart didn't fare any better against Rep. Cohen. What a tool.


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