What the Frack?

    Thank you Ohio politicians for passing that tough fracking bill. Now the drillers are forced to tell us what kind of crap they're pumping into the ground.
     So what is it?
    Water and sand.
    That's it?
    Well there's other stuff, but it's a trade secret and they really can't divulge that to citizenry. But trust us it's nothing harmful.
     Well who can they divulge it to?
     They have to tell doctors.
     If there's nothing harmful why do they have to tell doctors?
     Just in case something harmful is pumped in, the doctors need to know what symptoms they might see and how to treat it.
     So if I get sick and go to the doctor, then the doctor will be able to tell me I'm sick because of this certain chemical in the ground?
    Oh no. That would be divulging the trade secret.
     So the doctor can confirm that I'm sick , he just can't tell me why I'm sick.
    You got it. Now, can you you please pat me on the back for passing such a wonderful bill.


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