The Bus Ride

    “We have a wonderful OPPORTUNITY here folks, that may never come again, at the RIGHT time. Donald Trump’s campaign statements, if nothing else, have SHOWN that ‘our views’ are NOT so ‘unpopular’ as the Political Correctness crowd have told everyone they are!”  Rocky Suhayda, Chairman of the American Nazi Party (and obvious caps-lock lover)
    "Do you think Trump voters are your voters?"
    "Well, of course they are! Because I represent the ideas of preserving this country and the heritage of this country, and I think Trump represents that as well."  David Duke, antisemitic, holocaust denier, convicted felon and former Grand Wizard of the KKK.
    “White men in America and across the planet are partying like it’s 1999 following Trump’s decisive victory over the evil enemies of our race." Andrew Anglin, another holocaust denier and founder of the Daily Stormer website, a disgusting anti-Jewish site that was praised by Dylan Roof, the Charleston church shooter.
    Hate group legitimacy. That's the one big thing I find most troubling about this election. And it'll get worse before it's all said and done. It's inevitable when you have a candidate whose only real platform is hate. Oh, and fear, you need fear to make the hate work at it's most efficient. Personally, I've never had time for people who told me what to fear, or who to hate. And that holds true today, especially when it comes from someone who literally sits in a golden chair.
    When I was in the 2nd grade we had a teacher who was a terror, especially to the boys in the class. I came home one day and told my Mom that I hated her and I've always remembered her response, "hate is not a nice word, you should never hate anyone." For some reason that stuck with me and I'd think of that when I wanted to hate. Later on as I got older I just replaced the hate with pity and when I had contact with people who hated I developed a "I'm sure glad that's not me" attitude. I find hate an extremely ugly trait and I think it has to be debilitating over a persons life.
    But that's not the case for some in our society, some thrive on hate.Take Mr. Anglin and his "decisive victory over the evil enemies of our race" statement. That was posted on his website May 3rd when Trump secured the delegates for nomination and the only "evil enemies" he had bested were 15 other republicans. What a fucked up mind set he must have. Is there anything or anybody this man doesn't hate? Our time on this earth is short and to waste it hating just seems unfathomable. I pity him for his hate. I'm sure glad that's not me.
    All that being said I don't think all Trump supporters are racists or Nazis. Many of them just don't like Hillary, and I get that. She wasn't my first choice or my second, or my third choice. But it is what it is. I even get all the anger directed toward her although a lot of it is over the top. Has she lied? Of coarse. A much more challenging observation would be pointing out a politician in Washington who doesn't. And besides, Trump is hardly a pillar of truthiness. Liars calling others liars, nobody does it better than Washington DC.
      I actually feel a teeny-tiny bit sorry for the Republican base though. Twenty five years of busting the Clintons chops and where has it gotten them? Barring unforeseen events they're poised to become Americas real life Frank and Claire Underwood. But at the same time they brought all this on themselves. For the past eight years they've used fear and hate to do battle against Obama, and then they act surprised when their party picks the man who does fear and hate the best.
    I can't help but wonder what the race would look like if someone like Kasich had been nominated. The party would be united behind him, instead of the hot mess it is now, and the message of beating Hillary would probably be well received. Instead they're asking their voters to put out a fire with gasoline and hop on the bus with the Nazis, the KKK and the White Nationalists, becoming something they're not. Or then again, maybe he's just empowering something they knew existed inside them but they felt they needed to suppress. Either way, enjoy the bus ride, but stay away from the window seats if you don't want to be seen with the trash you're riding with.
    Later on in life I found some vindication for my misguided hate of my 2nd grade teacher. The following year she was fired. Apparently she was going through a nasty divorce and taking her frustrations out on her male students.



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