
Showing posts from May, 2012

My Morning Family *

     I can't believe I'm saying this but we really need some snow and we need it soon. This lack of snow is putting my favorite morning news crew in a major funk. Sure they'll show us video of people jogging and biking while telling us how beautiful the weather is, but they're not kidding anybody. I can tell in their voices that deep down inside they're crushed.      Mike Jackson and that one girl were all set to come out and kick some major school closing ass this year but I don't believe they've had the chance to even break out the scroll bar yet. Bob Nunnally (and sometimes Marshall Mcpeak or maybe Ben Gelber but mostly Bob, but never Jym Ganahl. The snow would have to be butt deep on a giraffe to get Jym up at 4:30 in the morning) has the Doplar all tuned up and there was talk of maybe even letting Bob sit down again if it were to be a snowy season. (They don't let Bob sit down anymore eve...

Its Just a Pill *

    Did I miss something? It is still 2012, isn't it? It felt at times that I had been transported back to the 1930s this past week. I really find it hard to fathom all the controversy surrounding the issue of female contraception. Controversy being drummed up, by all people, the Catholic church. This is the organization who have confirmed to have abused over 10,000 children, covered up the abuse and moved priests to other parishes to continue the abuse and in the past year have ordered 8 of their dioceses to file for bankruptcy to keep from paying for their trangressions. Now they feel it is their right to tell their insurance companies they can't provide contraception to the women in their employment. Why all of sudden do we have this feigned outrage? Twenty seven states already require contraceptives to be included in insurance policies regardless of religious afilliation. Major Catholic institutes of learning such as DePaul and Georgetown Universities already offer ...

The Path to Glory

    After watching this video for the second time (and twice is plenty) what strikes me as the most incredible thing about this cretin is the fact that he thinks he's going to heaven. He believes his righteous path to glory involves corraling up our neighbors, our friends and even members of our families and keeping them in electrified fences until they die off. Its so scary its funny, or vice versa, I'm not sure yet.     If I had to find anything funny about his comments, its the fact that poor Pastor Worley hasn't seemed to figure out where gay people come from. What will he do once he finds out that the electrified fence is not going to sate his hatred? An electrified fence for all the fornicators? That's a real slippery slope there Pastor.     The scariest part of this is really easy to define. He's not the only member of the clergy to spew this hatred, he's just the latest. And human nature being what it is, one must feel ...

Here We Go Again

     Whenever we don't have a Democratic Sec. of State others feel the need to screw with our election process. In 2004 it was Kenneth Blackwell, Chairman of the Ohio Bush Reelection Committee (no conflict of interest there) and the removal of inner city voting machines. This year they're trying a different tactic.    Last Nov. they passed House bill 194 which reduced the amount of early voting available to the people. Its not bad enough that voters are forced to find time on a workday to get to the polls but for some unknown reason (not really unknown, I'm just being kind) they feel the need to limit voting. Of course HB 194 didn't go over well with a lot of people (me included) and in just 3 weeks 400,000 signatures were gathered to put it on the ballot this year. Once it was placed on the ballot the changes couldn't go into effect, so yesterday they backed down and Gov. Kasich signed Senate bill 295 to repeal HB 194. Or so he says. W...

I Heart My City

    6.5%. That's the unemployment rate here in Columbus. One would think that that our Governor, House and Senate must be doing something right but the fact is this rate has been achieved in spite of our Republican controlled State legislators.     While our new Gov. was trying to take away workers rights and cutting massive amounts of money to cities and municipalities, Columbus was adding firefighters and police officers.     While our new Gov. was trying to give a dying Sears Co. $400,000,000 (thank goodness that fell through), Columbus was investing in new and existing companies.     While our Senate was giving way to much time listening to an out of state organization argue for a heartbeat bill (which they still haven't voted on) and busy trying to talk their way out of a redistricting fiasco, Columbus was reopening rec centers and picking up yard waste for free again.      Our House ...

And it Begins

Aren't we so lucky to live in a swing state? Not so much. This week we are being treated to the first round of ads from the Koch brothers and their Americans For Prosperity. (if you have a tv and watch the news you can't hardly miss it, its run twice in the past half hour on the local news)    Its a full minute of distortions and untruths, but we really shouldn't expect anything different from the Koch brothers. Hate on the President as much as you want, hell there's quite a few things he's done that I don't like, but when you lie and distort it makes you look desparate.

Hey Ted, This is Mitt. You Got a Minute.

    "Ted Nugent endorsed my dad today. Ted Nugent, how cool is that?" Why that's just cool as hell Tagg.(did the Romneys use the same book as the Palins to name their kids?) When your father's running for President you sure can't get enough draft dodging pedophiles to jump on the bandwagon.     Look, I understand when your running for  President you can't stop draft dodging pedophiles from endorsing your Presidency, it comes with the territory. What's that, Mitt called Ted seeking his endorsement? Oh, well that's awkward.     On March 3rd Mitt called Ted seeking an endorsement and and Ted obliged, with stipulations. Yep, the draft dodging pedophile even made demands of Romney before he would give his endorsement. Before endorsing him, Nugent demanded that Romney pledge there would be no new gun laws or restrictions on Second Amendment rights in his administration. Romney obliged. Nugent also warned Romney about the "out of control" U....