I Heart My City

    6.5%. That's the unemployment rate here in Columbus. One would think that that our Governor, House and Senate must be doing something right but the fact is this rate has been achieved in spite of our Republican controlled State legislators.
    While our new Gov. was trying to take away workers rights and cutting massive amounts of money to cities and municipalities, Columbus was adding firefighters and police officers.
    While our new Gov. was trying to give a dying Sears Co. $400,000,000 (thank goodness that fell through), Columbus was investing in new and existing companies.
    While our Senate was giving way to much time listening to an out of state organization argue for a heartbeat bill (which they still haven't voted on) and busy trying to talk their way out of a redistricting fiasco, Columbus was reopening rec centers and picking up yard waste for free again.
     Our House of Representatives spent eight months trying to figure out an exotic animal bill which they still screwed up. (No lions, tigers and bears, dammit. WE DON'T CARE ABOUT TURTLES.) Oh yeah, lets not forget about the time wasted trying to not only take away a voters right but also making it harder for everyone to vote.
     Here in Columbus they're busy repaving the arterial roads again this year. They're tearing down blighted houses and building affordable innercity houses. And there's even enough money left over to help fund services like the one Bonnys' mom is able to use.
    How did we do this? We did the ungodly act of raising taxes. And i do mean we because the voters decided. We increased our income tax for the first time in 18 years, a whopping 1/2 %. It costs me about $4. a week, but just getting my yard waste picked up and knowing that Mama Clark can get to the doctor or see a movie when she wants is worth it to me.


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