Its Just a Pill *

    Did I miss something? It is still 2012, isn't it? It felt at times that I had been transported back to the 1930s this past week. I really find it hard to fathom all the controversy surrounding the issue of female contraception. Controversy being drummed up, by all people, the Catholic church.
This is the organization who have confirmed to have abused over 10,000 children, covered up the abuse and moved priests to other parishes to continue the abuse and in the past year have ordered 8 of their dioceses to file for bankruptcy to keep from paying for their trangressions. Now they feel it is their right to tell their insurance companies they can't provide contraception to the women in their employment.
Why all of sudden do we have this feigned outrage? Twenty seven states already require contraceptives to be included in insurance policies regardless of religious afilliation. Major Catholic institutes of learning such as DePaul and Georgetown Universities already offer their female employees insurance that includes contraception. While it might amaze the Catholic church, 90% of Catholic women have said they've used contraception means other than the rhythm method.
A contraceptive is intended to prevent one thing, an unwanted pregnancy. What might an unwanted pregnancy lead to? An abortion, and despite what some people may think, nobody is pro abortion. Here's a thought, if your a "practicing" Catholic working at Mt. Carmel hospital and don't want to take a contraceptive to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, don't take one, but at the same time don't allow your church to deny that to the woman standing next to you.
During the child abuse controversy they couldn't find a Priest or Bishop to get in front of a camera and explain their actions but this week they're everywhere stating how this policy disrespects the Catholic church. It seems to me any respect or cred the Catholic church may have once had in telling others how to run their lives they lost by their own misdeeds.


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