
Showing posts from August, 2012

Mitts' Easy Ones

    There it is in a nutshell. The top five things Mitt will defund to get to that trillion dollars. The easy ones. I'm going to dismiss the Affordable Care Act for this blog and write about it at a different time. There are some very good things in it and some not so good things but its a well known fact that doing away with it now would actually raise the deficit.     That leaves Planned Parenthood, a program that last year performed 4.2M STD/STI tests, 3.6M contraception services, 1.5M cancer screenings, 1.1M pregnancy tests and prenatal services and, yes, 300,000 legal abortions without using federal funds.     NPR/PBS, which consists of 900 community run radio stations and 354 community run TV stations.     NEA, which distibutes grants to museums, theater and dance groups and historical societies throughout the country. Ohio received 13 grants this year, 5 in Columbus. (state-by-state grants can be found he...

My Sit Down With Mitt (Part 1: Taxes)

    Ed Rice: I want to thank you for taking the time to sit down with me and taking a few questions.     Mitt Romney: No problemo Ed, but lets make it quick. Time is money.     ER: A lot of people have been asking that you release more tax returns including some 20 prominent Republicans, will we be seeing anymore returns in the near future?     MR: I'm glad you asked that Ed because I plan on releasing another year of returns sometime in the near future, possibly as early as October, as soon as they're prepared.     ER: So your taxes aren't done yet?     MR: Oh, they're done, they just need to be prepared to be released.     ER: It seems to be taking quite a while. Who's preparing them, a group of 8 year olds? I'm sorry Mitt, that was uncalled for and I'll try not to let it happen again.     MR: Humph.     ER: Harry Reid has come out and sai...

Outrage is Easy

    I decided last night that each time I saw another Romney lie I needed  to respond to it, I didn't fully comprehend at just how busy I might be. Here is the latest lie, and its not even a good one, but it helps to stir the emotions of those who don't know better. This is the post he put up on facebook today and it is so devoid of facts and so full of hysteria that even his friends at Fox News have had to come out and state the truth, "the lawsuit does not restrict the ability of military personnel to cast an early ballot."        " President Obama's lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period is an outrage. The brave men and women of our military make tremendous sacrifices to protect and defend our freedoms, and we should do everything we can to protect their fundamental right to vote. I stand with the fifteen militar...

It Takes a Tool

        After pouncing on, twisting his words and taking out of context everything Pres. Obama said at a recent rally the Romney campaign came up with this gem of an ad in just 48 hours.     First of all Mr. Gilchrist, no said you and your fathers hands did not build your company. Everyone who has ever owned their own business or have worked for someone who owns their own business are quite aware of the hard work and the ups and downs involved. But now you've let the Romney campaign suck you into his ongoing lie, or at the very least into the debate of,  "is not telling the whole truth the same as a lie?"     In the late 1980s Gilchrist MFC received a U.S. Small Business Administration loan totaling “somewhere south of” $500,000, plus matching funds from the federally-funded New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center.     In 1999, Gilchrist MFC received $800,000 in...

A Day of Support For Chik-fil-a (and Biblical Marriage)

   Today is the day all good Christians will go to Chick-fil- a and show their support to Dan Cathy and his stance on Biblical marriage.    "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,' and I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is about." Right on Dan, WTG.     To be quite honest I don't believe I've ever eaten at a Chik-fil-a. There's no particular reason other than the fact I have no idea where ones at. Hell, I'd probably like their food too, they put a damned pickle on that chicken sandwich, how crazy is that.     While I don't consider myself a Christian, (just a nice guy who won't allow hate in my heart) I would like to show my support for Dan and his beliefs, and since I've already stated I have no idea ...