It Takes a Tool

    After pouncing on, twisting his words and taking out of context everything Pres. Obama said at a recent rally the Romney campaign came up with this gem of an ad in just 48 hours.
    First of all Mr. Gilchrist, no said you and your fathers hands did not build your company. Everyone who has ever owned their own business or have worked for someone who owns their own business are quite aware of the hard work and the ups and downs involved. But now you've let the Romney campaign suck you into his ongoing lie, or at the very least into the debate of,  "is not telling the whole truth the same as a lie?"
    In the late 1980s Gilchrist MFC received a U.S. Small Business Administration loan totaling “somewhere south of” $500,000, plus matching funds from the federally-funded New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center.
    In 1999, Gilchrist MFC received $800,000 in tax-exempt revenue bonds issued by the New Hampshire Business Finance Authority to set up a second manufacturing plant and purchase equipment to produce high definition television broadcasting equipment.
    Just last year Gilchist MFC received two government contracts totalling $83,00.
    Of course just after the ad comes out and the claims are scrutinized, as they should be, Romney & Co. are long down the road and its only poor Mr. Gilchrist left to answer to the claims. He used you Mr Gilchrist, just like many, many others who have crossed his path.

    “I’m not going to turn a blind eye because the money came from the government.  I’m not stupid, I’m not going to say ‘no.’ Shame on me if I didn’t use what’s available.”

    There's not one damned thing stupid or shameful about that Mr. Gilchrist. Its admirable, daring, smart and probably quite stressful when you had to make those decisions. I also imagine you've stepped back and looked at what you've accomplished with a great deal of pride. And in a very small way we also share your pride. Its just a shame Mitt Romney came into your life and made you look like a hypocritical tool.


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