
Showing posts from July, 2015

China Cat Sunflower

    I had one of those moments this afternoon where I tell myself that a nap is waiting if I just let it happen. So I put on a GD show turned down low, leaned back and kicked my feet up on the desk. And dreamed.     I was running through a corn field with stalks well above my head. I can still hear the noise as I was slashing through the corn, not running to anything nor running from anything. Just running.     I soon came into a clearing maybe 20x20 feet that had a trap door in the ground. I opened it and went down a few steps and entered a room full of 20 or 30 women sewing. Some were sitting at machines, some were knitting and others were darning, and there were a half dozen or so children running around the room. As I walked through the room no one took notice of my presence, it was if I was invisible. I headed to a door on the other side of the room (a regular door, not a trap door) and walked out.     I came out into a...

Three Steps

I've noticed whenever I see one of these there's always a three step process I go through. Step 1: Glance at the name. I'm not going to know them so that step's not too important. Step 2: Do the math. This step is important in determining whether my emotion is going to be one of either, a) it's a shame someone had to die so young, or, b) hey, at least they lived to a ripe old age. Step 3: Wonder how they died.

A Jade Helm 15 Update

               Paranoia strikes deep                Into your life it will creep                It starts when you're always afraid                Step out of line the men come and take you away                                                                     (Stephen Stills)     That's the only comment I was able to leave on the Counter Jade Helm facebook pag...

Single Ladies

    Oh, you Single Ladies, what the hell did you do to piss off your Congressmen? In their zeal to "stick" it to the LGBT community they're throwing your asses under the bus also.     The Republicans saw the writing on the wall just as everyone else, the Supreme Court was going to rule that the right to marry was a right for all citizens. So they had a plan.     H.R. 2802, the First Amendment Defense Act. It and it's sister bill in the Senate (S.1598) were both introduced on June 17th, just nine days before the SC decision. It doesn't involve bakeries or florists, it covers something even more important, your livelihood. Your means to feed yourself and put a roof over your head. It says that your employer can fire you for anything that he/she might think go against their religious beliefs and the government is forbidden to do anything.      In all it's legalese "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Federal Government s...

Jade Helm 15 is Nigh (be afraid,be very afraid)

    Something sinister is about to befall our great country this week. Weds. July 15th is the beginning of the government takeover of the great state of Texas. (and maybe Utah and Florida, according to sources there's an ongoing troop buildup in Fla.) That's why today I threw caution to the wind and joined "Counter Jade Helm"  Our Mission: To observe the attempted infiltration of our towns during Operation Jade Helm with self sufficient teams in the field conducting counter surveillance.     What is Jade Helm (15)? It's kind of complicated and really depends on who you ask.     To the government it's just an exercise designed to train soldiers in modern warfare, including maneuvering through civilian populations. But to others it's a massive troop buildup (1,200 troops total, the equivalent of 0.04% of the people who attended the Indians game last night) to impose martial law, disarm the popul...

Bracketoloy (The Making of the Twit Sixteen) Part III

   I finally filled out my bracket this morning after I got all the seeds together and there's some real interesting head-to-head matchups. I also have two upsets penciled in.    Nothing real surprising has happened in the past twenty four to the candidates. Trump diss tweeted something about Jebs' Mexican wife, but that's about it. Like I said, no real surprises. . #4 Rand Paul The Libertarian entry (Libertarian: A Republican who's too embarrassed to call himself a Republican). Rand makes the top four solely on his uncanny ability to lay out a bunch of words and never really say anything. He's learned from his father that if you can string a bunch of words together and keep the listener nodding their heads you end up waking one morning and half the cars in town have your bumper sticker on it. Rand hates enough of what the God fearin folk hate to stick around for a while but he also turns the heads of some younger voters. He doesn't favor legalized marijuana...

Bracketology (The Making of the Twit Sixteen) Part II

    I really have the pressure on, my first eight were out saying a bunch of crazy shit over the weekendand if I don't hurry it up this bracket's gonna be over before it starts.     This weekend Mike H. said the "redefinition of love" is the cause of traditional marriage going to hell in a hand basket. (Even though isn't) .I really have no idea what he's on about.     Rick Santorum said gay marrige in the US will have "profound consequences" worldwide. I'm sure the Middle East, Russia and Africa (the only places where its not legal) will be devastated. He also said the US is "still the moral leader of the free world". The Canadians laughed.     Okay, jumping back in it: #8: Rick Perry This isn't the same Rick that ran 4 years ago. He renamed his hunting lodge (niggarville) and he got some glasses, that's about it. Rick will come out swinging with his own job numbers, and they are ...

Bracketology (The Making of the Twit Sixteen) Part 1

   So I'm making a serious effort to actually fill out a bracket for the Republican 2016 Presidential nomination and the first order of business is to seed them 1-16. It sounds easy but it's not. Things happen on a daily basis so you have to pick one day and stick with it. To help with the seeding I looked to two sources, Real Clear Politics, a daily poll tracking service and the London bookies. (You can bet on everything in England except on when the Queen will die simply b/c the vast majority believe she never will.) The bracket itself is not as easy as one would think also. Some may say "Bush is going to win it so why bother?" To that I say that on this date 4 years ago Herman Cain was the front runner and before him it was Michele Bachmann. Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry were also front runners before the dust finally settled on Mitt Romney.    Here's my seeds starting at #16 and moving up. . #16: George Pataki. George is a very former Gov. of...

A Love Lost

    A few statements on the Supreme court ruling from Mike Huckabee, "It was a good day for freedom" and "The Supreme Court got it right today" or "Religious freedom was courageously defended with this verdict."     Yes, Mike Huckabee really said those words........Last year, when they ruled in favor of something he liked. When they ruled that big businesses have religious freedom in the Hobby Lobby case.     But this year when they ruled that individuals have freedoms also, when they ruled that people have the right to marry who they love and enjoy the 1,138 federal benefits and responsibilities that marriage provides, that same court that he called courageous became "an out of control act of unconstitutional judicial tyranny" (Wow, hyperbole much?)     So if you like the decision much love is given but when you don't like the decision it's "unconstitutional tyranny" (I checked and Article III is still a part on the constit...