China Cat Sunflower

I had one of those moments this afternoon where I tell myself that a nap is waiting if I just let it happen. So I put on a GD show turned down low, leaned back and kicked my feet up on the desk. And dreamed. I was running through a corn field with stalks well above my head. I can still hear the noise as I was slashing through the corn, not running to anything nor running from anything. Just running. I soon came into a clearing maybe 20x20 feet that had a trap door in the ground. I opened it and went down a few steps and entered a room full of 20 or 30 women sewing. Some were sitting at machines, some were knitting and others were darning, and there were a half dozen or so children running around the room. As I walked through the room no one took notice of my presence, it was if I was invisible. I headed to a door on the other side of the room (a regular door, not a trap door) and walked out. I came out into a...