Single Ladies

    Oh, you Single Ladies, what the hell did you do to piss off your Congressmen? In their zeal to "stick" it to the LGBT community they're throwing your asses under the bus also.
    The Republicans saw the writing on the wall just as everyone else, the Supreme Court was going to rule that the right to marry was a right for all citizens. So they had a plan.
    H.R. 2802, the First Amendment Defense Act. It and it's sister bill in the Senate (S.1598) were both introduced on June 17th, just nine days before the SC decision. It doesn't involve bakeries or florists, it covers something even more important, your livelihood. Your means to feed yourself and put a roof over your head. It says that your employer can fire you for anything that he/she might think go against their religious beliefs and the government is forbidden to do anything.
     In all it's legalese "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Federal Government shall not take any discriminatory action against a person, wholly or partially on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman. That takes care of the gays, if you are married or plan to marry your partner and this marriage offends your employer they can terminate your employment without government repercussions.
    They could have stopped there, but they threw one in for you Single Ladies also. "or that sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage". Under this bill any business, non-profit or for profit, can fire an employee if they become pregnant and they don't have a ring on it. It doesn't matter whether you're in a committed relationship with your boyfriend or just a lapse in your child prevention techniques, unmarried sexual acts are a sin and you must be punished.
    All you Single Men out there shouldn't really be concerned with this though because let's face it, other than a goofy grin when you come into work after a sexual romp no one will be the wiser. There's also no provision in this for divorce, even though that is also a sin. Congressmen aren't totally stupid hypocrites, on average they divorce at the rate of 1.3 per.
   So far this bill has 130 cosponsors in the House (129 republicans and 1 democrat) and 36 cosponsors in the Senate, all republicans. While this bill has no chance at all of becoming law with the current administration that's in place, it's one that they will keep on the back burner in hopes that 2016 brings them one step closer to the theocracy that they seem to desire so much.
    My advice to you Single Ladies is just put your own damned ring on it, don't wait for him. It could save your job.
    Here is where you can look at the bill and see the cosponsors...


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