A Jade Helm 15 Update

               Paranoia strikes deep
               Into your life it will creep
               It starts when you're always afraid
               Step out of line the men come and take you away
                                                                    (Stephen Stills)
    That's the only comment I was able to leave on the Counter Jade Helm facebook page before it was shut down last Sunday. (And just 12 hours after I joined, I was kinda hurt. It was like all my new friends had said FU, we don't like you anymore, we're going somewhere else to play...The hurt lasted about 6 seconds.)
    The Facebook pages' founder, Pete Lanteri, blamed "liberals, conspiracy nuts (oh really), and the other 90% of useless fucking Americans", for the closure of the page. And he was none to pleased. When another Facebook user posted "they are causeing (sic) such a division in this GREAT NATION a second REVOLUTION IS NEEDED BADLY", Mr. Lanteris response was "I can't wait to kill thousands of these fucks man!!!" (red flag maybe?) I'm not sure if Mr. Lanteri means just liberals, or just conspiracy nuts, or just the other 99% of the population that doesn't feel his paranoia but either/or he's got quite a row to hoe.
    To be fair, people like Mr. Lanteri  are the minority in Texas and those states where the exercises are being held. A lot of land owners are allowing the military to use their land and most towns are accepting of the exercises. But the conspiracy nuts (to use Mr. Lanteris terminology), who are fueled in part by their own Governors and Senators, are wide and far reaching. Every time one of them sees a military vehicle on the road, and the reports are coming from all over the country, it is part of something sinister. Closed schools and stores to strange construction sites have all become part of the conspiracy. My favorite is the new mall that's being built in Tampa.
Notice it? One keen eyed Counter Jade Helm member has, they're building guard towers into the mall. (I so wish this persons observation wasn't true, but it is). Some people in Texas are burying their guns and others are stockpiling ammo and when reporters from the NY Times interviewed a few people they were accused of being Special Ops.
    So far no one has been marched off to an empty Wal-Mart and no martial law has been established but it's only day four of the exercises and according to its members the due diligence of Counter Jade Helm is the sole reason.
   I'm leaving the conspiracy nuts alone right now but when someone that the other nuts look up to has expressed his desire to "kill thousands of these fucks" it bears enough interest to watch from the sidelines.
    Here's their Facebook page which is somewhat amusing while at the same time darkly chilling. The "they walk amongst us" is very strong on this page.


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