Bracketoloy (The Making of the Twit Sixteen) Part III

   I finally filled out my bracket this morning after I got all the seeds together and there's some real interesting head-to-head matchups. I also have two upsets penciled in.
   Nothing real surprising has happened in the past twenty four to the candidates. Trump diss tweeted something about Jebs' Mexican wife, but that's about it. Like I said, no real surprises.
#4 Rand Paul
The Libertarian entry (Libertarian: A Republican who's too embarrassed to call himself a Republican). Rand makes the top four solely on his uncanny ability to lay out a bunch of words and never really say anything. He's learned from his father that if you can string a bunch of words together and keep the listener nodding their heads you end up waking one morning and half the cars in town have your bumper sticker on it. Rand hates enough of what the God fearin folk hate to stick around for a while but he also turns the heads of some younger voters. He doesn't favor legalized marijuana but is for decriminalization and has stated he would keep the feds out of states that are legalized. (Libertarian: A Republican who likes to smoke pot). In the long run I just don't think Rand will have enough money to make the final push and find out like his dad that it takes more than bumper stickers to finance a presidential run.
#3 Marco Rubio
I seconded guessed myself on this seeding a few times but I had to put my personal opinions aside and go with my research. He's maintained consistent poll numbers here in the US and the London booking agent Paddypower has him 8-1 to win the Presidency. I just don't see it though. Is it the Mexican thing? If so he needs to work on it a bit because right now he just seems like a nerd. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.) A lot of this process is how much face time you get and what you do with it, and right now he's in a rut of "not much and very little". Look around you Marco, you're gonna have to crazy it up bit dude.
#2 Jeb Bush
Okay, so I kind of threw research out the window on this seed. Jeb has two things going for him, he has the money, not THE money but enough to stick around. He also has the Bush name. Wait.....What? How in the hell is that a positive? Look, I know Jeb ain't George but I'm not 100% sure. He's got the same group of people working for him. If people want to throw history to the wind and forget about a presidency that included the greatest attack on American soil (one month after a briefing warning of planes being flown into buildings), a needless and quite possibly illegal war (George, to this day has only traveled outside the US once for fear of arrest, and that was to Haiti), 13 embassy attacks that killed over 90 people( But, Benghazi) and running up the national credit card like high school girl on a candy rush, then they will. But when all is said I still only gave him a #2 because he lacks the one thing the ......
#1 Scott Walker
has. Koch money. The brothers are back and this time they're pissed. As long as Walker has no long lost love child or refrains from tappin toes in a bathroom stall the Kochs will see to it that their Wisconsin boy gets everything he needs.
There's my bracket, a little crude (printers broke) but it'll suffice. I flipped a coin for the the 8/9 seeds and I took Kasich and Trump as my upset specials. Once I had it down on paper I got pretty excited, and just think, the debates are only a month away!!
As you can see I don't have a winner posted, that's because I couldn't make up my mind this morning. I thought, "they really can't be so stupid as to nominate Bush could they?' But after a little drive time today I decided, sure they could. So George , I mean Jeb, is my pick.


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