A Love Lost

    A few statements on the Supreme court ruling from Mike Huckabee, "It was a good day for freedom" and "The Supreme Court got it right today" or "Religious freedom was courageously defended with this verdict."
    Yes, Mike Huckabee really said those words........Last year, when they ruled in favor of something he liked. When they ruled that big businesses have religious freedom in the Hobby Lobby case.
    But this year when they ruled that individuals have freedoms also, when they ruled that people have the right to marry who they love and enjoy the 1,138 federal benefits and responsibilities that marriage provides, that same court that he called courageous became "an out of control act of unconstitutional judicial tyranny" (Wow, hyperbole much?)
    So if you like the decision much love is given but when you don't like the decision it's "unconstitutional tyranny" (I checked and Article III is still a part on the constitution).
    My how love fades.


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