Bracketology (The Making of the Twit Sixteen) Part II

    I really have the pressure on, my first eight were out saying a bunch of crazy shit over the weekendand if I don't hurry it up this bracket's gonna be over before it starts.
    This weekend Mike H. said the "redefinition of love" is the cause of traditional marriage going to hell in a hand basket. (Even though isn't) .I really have no idea what he's on about.
    Rick Santorum said gay marrige in the US will have "profound consequences" worldwide. I'm sure the Middle East, Russia and Africa (the only places where its not legal) will be devastated. He also said the US is "still the moral leader of the free world".
The Canadians laughed.
    Okay, jumping back in it:
#8: Rick Perry
This isn't the same Rick that ran 4 years ago. He renamed his hunting lodge (niggarville) and he got some glasses, that's about it. Rick will come out swinging with his own job numbers, and they are pretty good. But he also has the most uninsured in the country and their kids are the dumbest. Is it any wonder. This year Texas school books will teach that the Constitution was based on the Bible and the teachings of Moses. Texas, doing everything they can to shake Florida out of the top of the crazy tree.
#7 Ted Cruz
Stepping into the dangerous seeds now. The 5th, 6th,and 7th seeds can be really tricky and Ted's a wild card. He's an excellent debater. He could get on the stage and make all the rest look as stupid as hell, he's got a lot to work with. I'm seeding him as going the other way though. I'm thinking even the Republicans will just want to stop hearing that voice. (It happened to Michele Bachmann) Besides, I'm already tired of cleaning up that little puddle of smarmy he leaves under the TV.
#6: Donald Trump
You would think that if right after your announcement speech your lawyer has to make a,"he was only practicing his right to free speech" statement, it would be a bad thing. Not in this field of electorates, he jumped to #2 in the polls. Donald also has a lot rope (money) so he can go out and be as whacky as he wants to be. In my dream world, at the last round of the debates Ashton Kutcher would come out and yell,"ya'll just got punked, Donalds a liberal." It's only a dream. But keep on keepin on Donald, the world needs you.
#5: Chris Christie
I can't help but think that when his head hits the pillow at night he thinks, "Damn, what I wouldn't give for a hurricane right now." I'm giving Christie a pass on Bridgegate and all the payola, it's Jersey, it's just business. But there is one thing he can't run from and if I can find it then it won't be long before his opponents get their hands on it and it'll be game over for Christie...


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