A Morning Well Spent

    What an unexpectedly surreal morning.
    I got in the truck this morning and drove to Todays Child daycare center on Main St. in Whitehall. That's where I was 10 years ago. I decided the other day that it might be the proper place to spend a moment of silence at 8:46 this morning. I'm not sure why I wanted to do it there, if for no other reason than I could. I had intended to be headed back right afterwards but I decided to stay for the second moment of silence at 9:03. I'm sitting in the truck listening to the ceremonies in New York on NPR, watching cars go by  and basically just reflecting when a Whitehall cruiser pulled into the parking lot. To be honest my first thought was,"great, here I am just wanting a little personal moment and the police show up." He asked what I was doing and I explained why I was there and I would be leaving in a couple minutes. He said he thought it was a nice thing I was doing and told me he was working for the Canton police on 9/11. I looked at my phone and told him it was about that time and I stepped out of the truck, he got out of the cruiser and there we stood, me and a Whitehall police officer who I'd never seen before. As he was getting back in the cruiser I said, "thanks for everything you guys do" and he thanked me, but I'm not sure why, and he drove off.

 I don't know why I didn't put this in last year, maybe I didn't know how, but after the police officer left I sat there and had tears of the weirdest kind. Tears for those who lost loved ones that could never be replaced, for sure, but also tears for everything we have and how lucky we are to live in this country, and tears for everything we could have also. I thought all those killed and injured in our misguided attempts at revenge and how we are still losing American lives due to 9/11. I sat there for a good 10 minutes, I had to, I was unable to drive. I've had many ups and downs in my life but the wave of emotions I felt that morning will never be repeated.


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