Who's Your Teat?

    At the RNC last week there was a lot of about how we should elect a man with a business background and start running this country more like a business. Before you start in with the "hell yeahs" and "you betchas" you might might want to find out if your state is one that's producing the milk or if your state is one sucking at the teat.
    Only 14 states are producing a profit, meaning they give the government more money than they receive from the government. 11 of those states are considered blue states, states who generally vote Democrat. Only Texas, Arkansas and Nebraska make a profit and voted for John McCain in 2008.
   What's that mean? It means that the evil liberal states like California, Ohio and New York are propping up states like Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and 17 other states who voted for McCain and receive more money from the Government than they pay in taxes.
    Why do I care?" I don't really, if my states success can help another I have no problem with that, what I have a problem with is all the bitching and hypocrisy that comes from the states receiving my tax money. When the mouths aren't sucking on the teat their bitching about the people who are producing their milk.

    A big thank you goes out to The Daily Show, once again it takes a rag-tag team of comedians to tell the truth and ask the questions that all the supposedly news channels either run from or glide over.


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