There it is in a nutshell. The top five things Mitt will defund to get to that trillion dollars. The easy ones. I'm going to dismiss the Affordable Care Act for this blog and write about it at a different time. There are some very good things in it and some not so good things but its a well known fact that doing away with it now would actually raise the deficit. That leaves Planned Parenthood, a program that last year performed 4.2M STD/STI tests, 3.6M contraception services, 1.5M cancer screenings, 1.1M pregnancy tests and prenatal services and, yes, 300,000 legal abortions without using federal funds. NPR/PBS, which consists of 900 community run radio stations and 354 community run TV stations. NEA, which distibutes grants to museums, theater and dance groups and historical societies throughout the country. Ohio received 13 grants this year, 5 in Columbus. (state-by-state grants can be found he...
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