A Little Common Sense Please

    Ohio voters won another battle this week but the fight isn't quite over. Our District Judge, Peter Economus reinstated weekend voting, citing of all things, the 2000 Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore, "where the state has authorized early in person voting the state may not, by later arbitrary and disparate treatment,value one persons' vote over that of another." But there's no celebration yet, our Attorney General stated "he must" appeal the ruling. I guess "he must" means its his duty to see that 93,000 people (the amount of people who voted on the last weekend in 2008) are denied a vote.
    While blogging on Fox Nation a couple weeks ago a woman asked "why should Ohio voters get special treatment?" I told her to turn off Fox News and do her research. Only 10 states don't have any type of early in-person voting, and quite a few allow voting on the final weekend. The only difference is those states aren't swing states, plain and simple. No Republican has ever been elected President without winning Ohio. They knew it in 2004 when Ken Blackwell pulled voting machines in Cleveland, Columbus and other liberal voting areas, resulting in lines of up to 4 to 10 hours to vote, and they're quite aware of it today. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/26/opinion/26tue4.html
    Personally, I think every state should have early in-person voting, especially on the last weekend. We use a law dated back 167 years ago to hold our Presidential election on a Tues. In 1845 it was a good law, it was enacted to allow farmers to leave after church on Sunday and make the trip into town. But in todays world, Tues. is probably the worst day of the week to hold elections. Todays world is a 24 hour world. From doctors, nurses, police and firemen, to working moms and dads, to the person at the 7-11. We're all trying to squeeze into 12 hours something that has an effect on our lives for 1,460 days.
    So to the 6th District Court, see if you can't do something unique for the justice system, let's see you use some common sense.




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