(D) Vs. (R) in the Celebrity World (Part 2)

    Jessica Biel (D) Vs. Karl Malone (R)
Despite the picture that came in the Buzzfeed pick I have to go with Karl Malone on this one. Karl goes against the norm when you think of basketball players. A family man who, after 19 years in the NBA, became an OTR truck driver. He now owns his own truck driving business and has donated over a million dollars to his alma mater. That picture pretty much sums up Jessicas' talent.

    John Goodman (D) Vs. LL Cool J (R)
I'm not sure how they came to the conclusion that LLCJ was a republican but it doesn't matter. John Goodman made me laugh in Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski, he wins.

    Kevin Bacon (D) Vs. Nick Lachey (R)
Not even close. Kevin is family man with a wife that is cute and ugly at the same time, how cool is that. Nick is just a guy that the girls in Hollywood dump all the time.

    Larry David (D) Vs. Patricia Heaton (R)
Larry has written and produced many TV shows, Pratricia has acted in one, riding Ray Romanos' coattails to fame. Larry wins.

    Leonardo Dicaprio (D) Vs. Pat Sajak (R)
This one is closer than it looks. Pats a good family man and all, if he had only something else on his resume' besides Wheel of Fortune. But that's it, no business ventures or anything. Leonardo is a good actor, but all he does is travel around the world bangin hot models. Well, at least he stays out of trouble doing it, Leo wins.

    Matt Damon (D) Vs. Rachel Hunter (R)
Ouch! Jason Bourne against Rod Stewarts ex-wife and star of Pirahnaconda and Swamp Volcano. Matt.

    Michael Jordan (D) Vs. Robert Duvall (R)
A good match-up. Michael was the best to ever play the game, but the key word there is was. Robert Duvall is a helluva an actor who plays a cowboy in real life as well as being an accomplished ballroom dancer. Robert wins.

    Natalie Portman (D) Vs. Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) (R)
I had this one as tie and then i remembered something I had totally forgotten. Tooth Fairy. Portman wins.

    Jack Nicholson (D) Vs. Sammy Hagar (R)
Everybody likes Jack, only Sammy likes Sammy. Jack wins.

    Oprah (D) Vs. Sarah Michelle Gellar (R)
I hate having to choose between Oprah and Buffy the Vampire Slayer but in the upsets of all upsets, Buffy wins. She's a good family person with a ten year marriage and a couple kids. And I can't get over the fact that Oprah is probably a real bitch in real life.

   There's the first 20 and so far the score is 14-6 in favor of the Democrats. There are still some big names out there, so there's a chance for the Republicans to come back. If the second 20 is anything like first 20 its quite apparent that match-up is everything.



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