My Sit Down With Mitt (Part II: The Convention)

    Ed Rice: Congratulations on your nomination Gov. Romney, that was quite the party you put on in Tampa.
    Mitt: Thank you Ed.
    ER: How about that Clint, that was quite the moment.
    Mitt: WHAT! That crazy old coot stole all my thunder. Nobody's talking about my message and how we once lived in the world of The Truman Show until Obama ruined it all.
    ER: The Truman Show?
    Mitt: Yeah, I really miss those days, everybody had a job, there wasn't any crime or wars, we all had nice homes and new SUVs.
    ER: But Gov. Romney, before Obama got into office we were fighting two wars, unemployment was at 10% and the housing market had already begun its collapse.
    Mitt: See, there you go, that's why I hate doing these interviews. I get all nostalgic and you people start in with your facts.
    ER: Speaking of facts sir, some people are saying that your party was pretty loose with them at the convention.
    Mitt: That was Paul, not me. Besides, I don't try to muddy up my message with any kind of facts or information. I only tell people what I intend to do, I don't find it useful to my campaign to tell them HOW I'm gonna do it. Duh.
    ER: I must say sir you had some very enthusiastic speakers down there in Tampa. Ann gave us a very good speech with her "I love you women" moment.
    Mitt: You liked that? I thought it was a little weird, but I've been assured that she loves men too.
    ER: I did notice a few people were missing from the podium.
    Mitt: Yeah, Bobby Jindal was supposed to speak but when Pat Robertson sent that hurricane to New Orleans he had to leave.
    ER: I was thinking about the former President and Vice-President.
    Mitt: George and Dick? They don't do much traveling anymore.
    ER: I thought that was just out of the country?
    Mitt: They're the old Republican party anyway, we're the new Republican party, and by golly we're determined to turn this country around by making the same mistakes and expecting a different result.
    ER: Thank you Governor, its refreshing to hear a little truth.


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