Epic Fail

     Pennsylvania state Rep. Mario Scavello was so very proud of the job he did by helping his state pass a voter ID law that he said he would take anyone who needed to get an ID a ride to the DMV to get one. He wanted to show his electorate how easy the new ID could be obtained. Alice Carlson took him up on it. Alice is 105 years old and first voted in the 1932 election but now the state said she had to have proof of her eligibility to vote.

    The first Epic Fail in this blog was put on display by state Rep. Mike Turzai. Maybe it wasn't so much as a Fail but an oops moment. Notice Mike didn't say the voter ID law was going to prevent the vast voter fraud in his state, he couldn't because there is none. Pennsylvania has admitted in court that there are no current or past investigations of in-person voter fraud in their state and they know of no other investigations or prosecutions in any other state. In fact since 2000 there have been 9 investigations of in-person voter fraud in the US and only one prosecution, and Voter ID wouldn't have prevented that one (a Missouri man was found guilty of trying to vote in Mo. and Kansas). A person is 3,500 times more likely to report a UFO sighting than commit voter fraud. Mikes Epic Fail, he told the truth.

     Back to Alice. Mario picks her up and off they go to the DMV. Luckily Alice had a copy of her birth certificate, some states would have made her pay up to $15. for a copy. If you're a black person in some southern states you can't even obtain one because down there the in the early 1900s the birth of a black person wasn't worth keeping track of.
    Once at the DMV and waiting in line for 25 minutes (actually Rep.Scavello waited in line for her but I'm pretty sure other elderly people won't be so lucky as to have a state Rep. with them) Alice got her turn. But there was a problem. Due to a computer glitch, state records showed that Alice was actually 6 years old. She was assured that the problem could be fixed but she would have to return the following week. But this was Rep Scavellos' big moment, he had a news team there to document how easy it was to get a state ID. After a big todo and discussions with superiors in Harrisburg, Alice was granted her voter ID card. So now a 105 year old woman who has been voting 80 years and 20 twenty presidential elections is now able to vote again after 90 minutes in the DMV. And then only because she had a state Rep. at her side. How many others will lose their right because they don't have a state Rep. with them. We'll probably never know but one things for sure, there are many politicians in Pa. who don't care.

Congrats Alice.


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