
Showing posts from 2012

A Deserving Pair

    I'm thankful to you, Christy, Jim, Alice, and Robson Walton, for showing the American people that even though your worth $106 billion (more money than 40% of the country combined) you can still be greedy bastards.     Look, I've never given a rats ass if people wanted to get trampled, peppered sprayed or spat on the day after Thanksgiving, I just looked at it as the price you pay for being an idiot. But why do you have to bring your freak show onto a day that shoulp be set aside for introspect. A day to give thanks that, if for nothing else, no matter what, we're all better off than many others.     How did this brilliant idea get started anyway? Did you get a little bored after dinner last year? Couldn't wait until midnight to see the little people morph into the worst that people can be?     But, when it comes right down to it, the Waltons, and the people...

Smoochin the Moocher

    Well it's only been a day and I've already been called a "moocher" by Rush Limbaugh, a member of the "wanting something for nothing club" by Glenn Beck and part of a society who just want "stuff " by Bill O'Rielly. That's just those whose names I know, their callers were all saying the same thing, its just more of the 47% bullshit again.     There are 17 states in this country who turn a profit, by that I mean they put more money in the government kitty than they take out. New Jersey is the most profitable. For every dollar they give the gov., they get $.61 back. Meaning $.39 go to others states.     The other 16 states who turn a profit are, in order,Nevada, Conn., New Hampshire, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware, California, New York. Are we noticing a trend here? Colorado, Mass., Washington, Mich., Texas, Florida and Oregon. 16 of the 17 states who turn a profit voted for President Obama, Texas being the only profitab...

What? Me Worry?

    Well today is the big day and if there's one thing I'm pretty sure of is that my life won't change all that much no matter who wins.     I live in a community that survived the last Wall Street meltdown quite well and is now almost where we need to be to be an even better community. We can handle whatever is thrown at us.  And our Mayor,our city council and our county commissioners are all Dems. Go figure.     I'm not a woman, so I don't have to worry about keeping the right to make the  ultimate decisions in my life.     I'm not gay, so I don't need to worry about having to live my life as a second class person because a verse from a book written by people who thought slavery was good and the world was flat, says that's the way it should be.     I'm not the gay person serving his country that'll be shamed back into the closet.     I'm not the military person who'll be put i...

The Columbus Comeback

I wanted to just put a link to this story but you can't read it without a subscription so I'll paraphrase the article and credit those responsible.     From Time magazines Rana Foroohar, its a story titled The Columbus Comeback: Ohio's capital moved beyond partisanship to become a model for economic growth.     When the recession hit, Columbus was faced with cutting $100 million from the budget, 15% of the total operating budget. Mayor Coleman used mandatory furloughs, he closed 12 rec centers, reduced our trash pickup (for a year we had to pay for our yard waste removal) but it wasn't enough.     Per Coleman, "We were at a crossroad. If I cut more we were going to have to lay-off 1,100 public workers, including firefighters and police. I'd be compromising public safety and contributing to the unemployment. It was time to ask ourselves, what kind of city do we want to be?"     Coleman went to the local business communi...


To all people of Christian faith and all people of Muslim faith, Noah has a few words of the wise for you. Faith: A belief  that is not based on proof. Belief: Something believed; an opinion or conviction. Opinion: A belief or judgement that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. Get over yourselves.

A Morning Well Spent

    What an unexpectedly surreal morning.     I got in the truck this morning and drove to Todays Child daycare center on Main St. in Whitehall. That's where I was 10 years ago. I decided the other day that it might be the proper place to spend a moment of silence at 8:46 this morning. I'm not sure why I wanted to do it there, if for no other reason than I could. I had intended to be headed back right afterwards but I decided to stay for the second moment of silence at 9:03. I'm sitting in the truck listening to the ceremonies in New York on NPR, watching cars go by  and basically just reflecting when a Whitehall cruiser pulled into the parking lot. To be honest my first thought was,"great, here I am just wanting a little personal moment and the police show up." He asked what I was doing and I explained why I was there and I would be leaving in a couple minutes. He said he thought it was a nice thing I was doing and told me he was ...

Epic Fail

     Pennsylvania state Rep. Mario Scavello was so very proud of the job he did by helping his state pass a voter ID law that he said he would take anyone who needed to get an ID a ride to the DMV to get one. He wanted to show his electorate how easy the new ID could be obtained. Alice Carlson took him up on it. Alice is 105 years old and first voted in the 1932 election but now the state said she had to have proof of her eligibility to vote.     The first Epic Fail in this blog was put on display by state Rep. Mike Turzai. Maybe it wasn't so much as a Fail but an oops moment. Notice Mike didn't say the voter ID law was going to prevent the vast voter fraud in his state, he couldn't because there is none. Pennsylvania has admitted in court that there are no current or past investigations of in-person voter fraud in their state and they know of no other investigations or prosecutions in any other state. In fact since 2000 there have been 9...

Who's Your Teat?

    At the RNC last week there was a lot of about how we should elect a man with a business background and start running this country more like a business. Before you start in with the "hell yeahs" and "you betchas" you might might want to find out if your state is one that's producing the milk or if your state is one sucking at the teat.     Only 14 states are producing a profit, meaning they give the government more money than they receive from the government. 11 of those states are considered blue states, states who generally vote Democrat. Only Texas, Arkansas and Nebraska make a profit and voted for John McCain in 2008.    What's that mean? It means that the evil liberal states like California, Ohio and New York are propping up states like Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina and 17 other states who voted for McCain and receive more money from the Government than they pay in taxes.     Why do I care?" I don...

(D) Vs. (R) in the Celebrity World (Part 2)

    Jessica Biel (D) Vs. Karl Malone (R) Despite the picture that came in the Buzzfeed pick I have to go with Karl Malone on this one. Karl goes against the norm when you think of basketball players. A family man who, after 19 years in the NBA, became an OTR truck driver. He now owns his own truck driving business and has donated over a million dollars to his alma mater. That picture pretty much sums up Jessicas' talent.     John Goodman (D) Vs. LL Cool J (R) I'm not sure how they came to the conclusion that LLCJ was a republican but it doesn't matter. John Goodman made me laugh in Raising Arizona and The Big Lebowski, he wins.     Kevin Bacon (D) Vs. Nick Lachey (R) Not even close. Kevin is family man with a wife that is cute and ugly at the same time, how cool is that. Nick is just a guy that the girls in Hollywood dump all the time.     Larry David (D) Vs. Patricia Heaton (R) Larry has written and produced m...

(D) Vs. (R) in the Celebrity World (Part 1)

    After Clint Eastwoods bizarre appearance at the RNC I thought I'd take a look at which celebrities are affiliated to which parties and from there it had to turn into a contest. Which political party has the best celebrity backers?     Noting the seriousness of this contest, all information on the celebrities came from the internet (b/c if its on the internet it has to true) and rumors. All celebrities were compiled from lists supplied by the well respected internet site  (the undisputed #1 site for cute animal videos) and the individual lists can be found here  and here . I have not adjusted or tampered with the lists, actually I haven't even looked past the first two celebtities to see who will be facing off.        First up: Michael...

My Sit Down With Mitt (Part II: The Convention)

    Ed Rice: Congratulations on your nomination Gov. Romney, that was quite the party you put on in Tampa.     Mitt: Thank you Ed.     ER: How about that Clint, that was quite the moment.     Mitt: WHAT! That crazy old coot stole all my thunder. Nobody's talking about my message and how we once lived in the world of The Truman Show until Obama ruined it all.     ER: The Truman Show?     Mitt: Yeah, I really miss those days, everybody had a job, there wasn't any crime or wars, we all had nice homes and new SUVs.     ER: But Gov. Romney, before Obama got into office we were fighting two wars, unemployment was at 10% and the housing market had already begun its collapse.     Mitt: See, there you go, that's why I hate doing these interviews. I get all nostalgic and you people start in with your facts.     ER: Speaking of facts sir, some peo...

A Little Common Sense Please

    Ohio voters won another battle this week but the fight isn't quite over. Our District Judge, Peter Economus reinstated weekend voting, citing of all things, the 2000 Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore, "where the state has authorized early in person voting the state may not, by later arbitrary and disparate treatment,value one persons' vote over that of another." But there's no celebration yet, our Attorney General stated "he must" appeal the ruling. I guess "he must" means its his duty to see that 93,000 people (the amount of people who voted on the last weekend in 2008) are denied a vote.     While blogging on Fox Nation a couple weeks ago a woman asked "why should Ohio voters get special treatment?" I told her to turn off Fox News and do her research. Only 10 states don't have any type of early in-person voting, and quite a few allow voting on the final weekend. The only difference is those states aren't swing stat...

Mitts' Easy Ones

    There it is in a nutshell. The top five things Mitt will defund to get to that trillion dollars. The easy ones. I'm going to dismiss the Affordable Care Act for this blog and write about it at a different time. There are some very good things in it and some not so good things but its a well known fact that doing away with it now would actually raise the deficit.     That leaves Planned Parenthood, a program that last year performed 4.2M STD/STI tests, 3.6M contraception services, 1.5M cancer screenings, 1.1M pregnancy tests and prenatal services and, yes, 300,000 legal abortions without using federal funds.     NPR/PBS, which consists of 900 community run radio stations and 354 community run TV stations.     NEA, which distibutes grants to museums, theater and dance groups and historical societies throughout the country. Ohio received 13 grants this year, 5 in Columbus. (state-by-state grants can be found he...

My Sit Down With Mitt (Part 1: Taxes)

    Ed Rice: I want to thank you for taking the time to sit down with me and taking a few questions.     Mitt Romney: No problemo Ed, but lets make it quick. Time is money.     ER: A lot of people have been asking that you release more tax returns including some 20 prominent Republicans, will we be seeing anymore returns in the near future?     MR: I'm glad you asked that Ed because I plan on releasing another year of returns sometime in the near future, possibly as early as October, as soon as they're prepared.     ER: So your taxes aren't done yet?     MR: Oh, they're done, they just need to be prepared to be released.     ER: It seems to be taking quite a while. Who's preparing them, a group of 8 year olds? I'm sorry Mitt, that was uncalled for and I'll try not to let it happen again.     MR: Humph.     ER: Harry Reid has come out and sai...

Outrage is Easy

    I decided last night that each time I saw another Romney lie I needed  to respond to it, I didn't fully comprehend at just how busy I might be. Here is the latest lie, and its not even a good one, but it helps to stir the emotions of those who don't know better. This is the post he put up on facebook today and it is so devoid of facts and so full of hysteria that even his friends at Fox News have had to come out and state the truth, "the lawsuit does not restrict the ability of military personnel to cast an early ballot."        " President Obama's lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period is an outrage. The brave men and women of our military make tremendous sacrifices to protect and defend our freedoms, and we should do everything we can to protect their fundamental right to vote. I stand with the fifteen militar...

It Takes a Tool

        After pouncing on, twisting his words and taking out of context everything Pres. Obama said at a recent rally the Romney campaign came up with this gem of an ad in just 48 hours.     First of all Mr. Gilchrist, no said you and your fathers hands did not build your company. Everyone who has ever owned their own business or have worked for someone who owns their own business are quite aware of the hard work and the ups and downs involved. But now you've let the Romney campaign suck you into his ongoing lie, or at the very least into the debate of,  "is not telling the whole truth the same as a lie?"     In the late 1980s Gilchrist MFC received a U.S. Small Business Administration loan totaling “somewhere south of” $500,000, plus matching funds from the federally-funded New England Trade Adjustment Assistance Center.     In 1999, Gilchrist MFC received $800,000 in...

A Day of Support For Chik-fil-a (and Biblical Marriage)

   Today is the day all good Christians will go to Chick-fil- a and show their support to Dan Cathy and his stance on Biblical marriage.    "I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,' and I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is about." Right on Dan, WTG.     To be quite honest I don't believe I've ever eaten at a Chik-fil-a. There's no particular reason other than the fact I have no idea where ones at. Hell, I'd probably like their food too, they put a damned pickle on that chicken sandwich, how crazy is that.     While I don't consider myself a Christian, (just a nice guy who won't allow hate in my heart) I would like to show my support for Dan and his beliefs, and since I've already stated I have no idea ...

Religion vs. Spirituality

    I have tried and tried to write a post about religion and spirituality in the past couple of months and all I've ended up with so far has been wasted keystrokes.     I probably spent the first 40 years of my life believing that religion and spirituality were one in the same, to be religious was to be spiritual and vice versa. The next seven years I spent questioning both and over the past ten years, I began to realize that religion is the antithesis of spirituality.     After I read a post in another blog the other day I knew I would never be able to write mine. Sometimes somebody has already written it. I could never write mine without stealing something from his so I'm just reposting his.            Religion vs. Spirituality     Religion is retrospective. Religion looks backward to the faiths of our fathers. We inherit religion from the grav...

There's a Law For That

    “A lot of what this — young man did was clearly against the law. But the fact that it was against the law did not prevent it from happening.”     Wrong again Mitt, from the knife to the assault rifle and the bullet proof vest to the high capacity magazine, every purchase was well within our laws.     “Well, I don’t know that I’m gonna be able to find a way to prevent people who want to provide harm, from being able to purchase things that could carry out that harm.”     I don't know Mitt, how about a law that states,     #1 Photo ID must be presented to make such purchases.     #2 Retailers must keep the personal information of the buyer and the purchases for two years.     #3 Limit the amount the buyer may purchase in a one month period.     That would be a good place to start. What's that? I've just been notified that there's already a law in place w...

An Eye For An Eye

Two adult women and a young boy are stabbed to death, dismembered and stuffed into a tree. The man responsible receives life in prison b/c he cooperated with authorities by giving up the location of the bodies and agreeing to plead guilty. A man kills his girlfriends daughter and then kills an elderly couple in his flight to leave the state, leaving them dumped in two different states. He receives life in prison by agreeing to plead guilty and drop his extradition from West Virginia. Meanwhile a man was executed this past week here in Ohio with very little fanfare. His crime, he killed another man in a jail house fight. Why him and not the others despite the heinous nature and the taking of extremely innocent lives? He made the ultimate mistake of pleading not guilty. You see, we don't execute people who plead guilty, we only execute people who claim innocence. In the past 18 years 17 death row inmates have had their convictions overturned and were set free. They served a combined ...

I Heart My City (part II)

    I know I'm probably sounding like a broken record, but I guess it's only human nature that when your proud of something you intend to crow a bit. Especially when it's going against the norm.     The unemployment rate in Columbus, which stood at 6.5% in April, dropped to an even 6% in May. 2,600 people found jobs in May and it was the 12th straight monthly drop. I know 5 friends who either found jobs or moved up to better jobs in the past 6 weeks, and a couple of those even read this blog. I was just made aware last night that a good friends relative got a job at the new casino paying $40,000 plus tips and insurance. That's good money in these parts.     The new cancer center, which should be finished next summer, will add 6,000 permanent jobs. The jobs created there have a major ripple effect and its noticed the most in the housing market. While home sales declined again in the US last month, they were up 20% here. Columb...

An Honest Answer (for some its just impossible) * Updated

     Sometimes I see or hear someone do or say something stupid and chalk it up as, "it's just a great big old goofy world", and then I see something like this today and I just shake my head in disbelief. I know its this womans job as the head of the DEA to defend her agencys actions but, well see for yourself. I'm sure 99% of the people in this country would have no problem giving a yes/no answer, but not Michele.     I'm sure she knows this but just like many in Washington she doesn't want a few facts get in the way of their rhetoric.     In New York City an average of 5 people die from a heroin overdose every weekend. Over 700 people overdosed in NY in 2009.     40 people overdose on prescription painkillers every day in the US. And deaths from prescription painkillers have tripled in the past 10 years.     While not as likely to cause an overdose death, methamphetamine and crack destroy th...

What the Frack Part 2

               PART 2       Any questions?      Yes sirs, will there be independent ground water testing?      There will be ground water testing and instead of just up to 500' of the well, the water will be tested 1,500' from each well.      But will it be independent testing?      No, we're going to let the drillers do the testing, they're the professionals at such things.      Will there be horizontal drilling?      Absolutely, with horizontal drilling they'll be able to drill up to 7,000'  in any direction from a single platform. This cuts down on the environmental impact.      If they can drill horizontally up to 7,000' why will they only be testing the water 1,500' from the well?      Next question. ...

What the Frack?

    Thank you Ohio politicians for passing that tough fracking bill. Now the drillers are forced to tell us what kind of crap they're pumping into the ground.      So what is it?     Water and sand.     That's it?     Well there's other stuff, but it's a trade secret and they really can't divulge that to citizenry. But trust us it's nothing harmful.      Well who can they divulge it to?      They have to tell doctors.      If there's nothing harmful why do they have to tell doctors?      Just in case something harmful is pumped in, the doctors need to know what symptoms they might see and how to treat it.      So if I get sick and go to the doctor, then the doctor will be able to tell me I'm sick because of this certain chemical in the ground?     Oh no. That would be divulging th...

A Loving Story

    It appears now that with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals finding Californias' Prop 8 unconstitutional and the courts in NY and Mass finding the same thing regarding the Defense of Marriage Act, same-sex marriage will get its day in the Supreme Court. Coincidentally it was 45 years ago this month that the Supreme Court decided that the arrest and conviction of Mildred and Richard Loving was unconstitutional also. Its hard to fathom that in my lifetime people of mixed race were arrested and jailed for marrying, but that was the case. The battle for the right of marriage between races was even harder than the battle being waged today for same-sex couples. It also tore families apart, but people were arrested and jailed for violating anti-miscegenation laws and the battle for their rights lasted for nearly a century.     The first breakthrough back then also came from the California Supreme...

My Morning Family *

     I can't believe I'm saying this but we really need some snow and we need it soon. This lack of snow is putting my favorite morning news crew in a major funk. Sure they'll show us video of people jogging and biking while telling us how beautiful the weather is, but they're not kidding anybody. I can tell in their voices that deep down inside they're crushed.      Mike Jackson and that one girl were all set to come out and kick some major school closing ass this year but I don't believe they've had the chance to even break out the scroll bar yet. Bob Nunnally (and sometimes Marshall Mcpeak or maybe Ben Gelber but mostly Bob, but never Jym Ganahl. The snow would have to be butt deep on a giraffe to get Jym up at 4:30 in the morning) has the Doplar all tuned up and there was talk of maybe even letting Bob sit down again if it were to be a snowy season. (They don't let Bob sit down anymore eve...

Its Just a Pill *

    Did I miss something? It is still 2012, isn't it? It felt at times that I had been transported back to the 1930s this past week. I really find it hard to fathom all the controversy surrounding the issue of female contraception. Controversy being drummed up, by all people, the Catholic church. This is the organization who have confirmed to have abused over 10,000 children, covered up the abuse and moved priests to other parishes to continue the abuse and in the past year have ordered 8 of their dioceses to file for bankruptcy to keep from paying for their trangressions. Now they feel it is their right to tell their insurance companies they can't provide contraception to the women in their employment. Why all of sudden do we have this feigned outrage? Twenty seven states already require contraceptives to be included in insurance policies regardless of religious afilliation. Major Catholic institutes of learning such as DePaul and Georgetown Universities already offer ...

The Path to Glory

    After watching this video for the second time (and twice is plenty) what strikes me as the most incredible thing about this cretin is the fact that he thinks he's going to heaven. He believes his righteous path to glory involves corraling up our neighbors, our friends and even members of our families and keeping them in electrified fences until they die off. Its so scary its funny, or vice versa, I'm not sure yet.     If I had to find anything funny about his comments, its the fact that poor Pastor Worley hasn't seemed to figure out where gay people come from. What will he do once he finds out that the electrified fence is not going to sate his hatred? An electrified fence for all the fornicators? That's a real slippery slope there Pastor.     The scariest part of this is really easy to define. He's not the only member of the clergy to spew this hatred, he's just the latest. And human nature being what it is, one must feel ...

Here We Go Again

     Whenever we don't have a Democratic Sec. of State others feel the need to screw with our election process. In 2004 it was Kenneth Blackwell, Chairman of the Ohio Bush Reelection Committee (no conflict of interest there) and the removal of inner city voting machines. This year they're trying a different tactic.    Last Nov. they passed House bill 194 which reduced the amount of early voting available to the people. Its not bad enough that voters are forced to find time on a workday to get to the polls but for some unknown reason (not really unknown, I'm just being kind) they feel the need to limit voting. Of course HB 194 didn't go over well with a lot of people (me included) and in just 3 weeks 400,000 signatures were gathered to put it on the ballot this year. Once it was placed on the ballot the changes couldn't go into effect, so yesterday they backed down and Gov. Kasich signed Senate bill 295 to repeal HB 194. Or so he says. W...

I Heart My City

    6.5%. That's the unemployment rate here in Columbus. One would think that that our Governor, House and Senate must be doing something right but the fact is this rate has been achieved in spite of our Republican controlled State legislators.     While our new Gov. was trying to take away workers rights and cutting massive amounts of money to cities and municipalities, Columbus was adding firefighters and police officers.     While our new Gov. was trying to give a dying Sears Co. $400,000,000 (thank goodness that fell through), Columbus was investing in new and existing companies.     While our Senate was giving way to much time listening to an out of state organization argue for a heartbeat bill (which they still haven't voted on) and busy trying to talk their way out of a redistricting fiasco, Columbus was reopening rec centers and picking up yard waste for free again.      Our House ...

And it Begins

Aren't we so lucky to live in a swing state? Not so much. This week we are being treated to the first round of ads from the Koch brothers and their Americans For Prosperity. (if you have a tv and watch the news you can't hardly miss it, its run twice in the past half hour on the local news)    Its a full minute of distortions and untruths, but we really shouldn't expect anything different from the Koch brothers. Hate on the President as much as you want, hell there's quite a few things he's done that I don't like, but when you lie and distort it makes you look desparate.

Hey Ted, This is Mitt. You Got a Minute.

    "Ted Nugent endorsed my dad today. Ted Nugent, how cool is that?" Why that's just cool as hell Tagg.(did the Romneys use the same book as the Palins to name their kids?) When your father's running for President you sure can't get enough draft dodging pedophiles to jump on the bandwagon.     Look, I understand when your running for  President you can't stop draft dodging pedophiles from endorsing your Presidency, it comes with the territory. What's that, Mitt called Ted seeking his endorsement? Oh, well that's awkward.     On March 3rd Mitt called Ted seeking an endorsement and and Ted obliged, with stipulations. Yep, the draft dodging pedophile even made demands of Romney before he would give his endorsement. Before endorsing him, Nugent demanded that Romney pledge there would be no new gun laws or restrictions on Second Amendment rights in his administration. Romney obliged. Nugent also warned Romney about the "out of control" U....

The Gas Facts

How soon people forget, or how easily they forget when something doesn't suit their rhetoric. Another talking face on TV this morning whining about the price of gas doubling under Obama. Here's what they conviently forget.     Jan.02 2008- Oil went over $100. a barrel, a new record at the time. The average price of gas was $3.05     Apr 21 2008- Gas prices jump to $3.50 in parts of the country.     May 21 2008- Oil prices hit $130 a barrel and the price of gas is over $4. a gallon.     Jun./Jul 2008 Oil speculation on Wall Street pushes the cost of oil to an all-time high, $147. a barrel. The average price for a gallon of gas is $4.11.     Sept. 15 2008- The idea of a serious meltdown in the Financial sector is being discussed along with fears of a world-wide recession and the price of crude drops back below the $100. a barrel mark.     Oct 16 2008 - Continued fear of an economic crisis drops...

Its Time

Printing paper Speciality paper Cigarette rolling paper Coffee filter paper Newsprint Cardboard Packaging Cooking oils Margarine Salad oils Vitamins/food supplements Granola Bird seed Flour (protein enriched/gluten free) Soap Shampoo Bath/Shower gels Hand cream Cosmetics Moisturizing lotions Balms Fabric Bags Shoes Socks Denim Diapers Canvas Rope Twine Tarps  Nets Carpet Caulking Oil paints Varnishes Ink Fuel Solvents Lubricants Putty Coatings Moldings Absorbents Mulch Compost Animal bedding Erosion control Ethanol/Bio fuels Fiberboard Insulation Fiberglass substitute Stucco and Mortar And many more     Hemp is the worlds strongest fiber.     Hemp cloth is stronger, longer lasting, more resistant to mildew and cheaper to produce than cotton fabric. Its also naturally resistant to bugs so it doesn't require all the chemicals that cotton does. 50% of all pesticides in the world are sprayed on ...